Hold on ~Peter

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Trigger warning ⚠️ there's death in this chapter

The famous daughter of Captain America, Y/N Rogers. I was smart, strong and kind hearted. And most of all constantly compared to Peter, I tried not letting get to my head but my aunt Nat and Wanda and Uncle Bucky were always there to help me and back me up. What about my father you might ask? Well he doesn't really care, he's not around much anymore.
I was sparring with Peter when he pinned me to the ground. My dad was on a mission with aunt Nat and uncle Bucky and Aunt Wanda was not in the training room. Uncle Clint and Tony. See I don't call him uncle Tony because I don't see him that way.
He compares me to Peter, he always says "just be like Peter." "You would be a lot better if you trained like Peter."
Uncle Nat has had to hold me back multiple times so I didn't kill Tony. Uncle Bucky had tried talking to him about leaving me alone but it never worked.
In fact every time he tries Peters ego boosts.
And with his win today it just skyrocketed. "So Y/n how does it feel to lose?" Peter was mocking me straight in my face. Tony was clapping and congratulating Peter and Clint just walked out.
"Get lost mini Rogers."
I ran out running while Tony started talking with Peter.
I ran to my room, I got a message from Wanda that I was needed for a meeting.
I ran to the briefing room and saw Director Fury standing.
"Ah Miss Rogers please sit we're just starting."
I had to take the seat next to Peter. "Couldn't even be on time Y/n disappointing."
I looked at Fury and let a fear tears drop. I never cried, well not in front of the others. I had cried to my dad and uncle Bucky before but no one else. I was seen as strong.
I was going on a mission with Peter, Tony, Clint and Wanda. I packed my things and got on the quinjet.
I sat there watching videos of me and dad while we got there.
I smiled thinking about how simple those times seemed.
I noticed Peter staring at me, when he saw I noticed he looked away. I just shrugged and kept watching the videos until Clint told us we were at our destination.
Once we got on ground Tony gave instructions. "Okay so Clint, Wanda and myself will go around the base while you two go get files, Peter I know you can do it so I trust you and mini Rogers don't cause trouble."
Peter started to speak up "uhh mister Stark I actually can't-"
Tony cut him off though "uh no I know you can because I teach you everything you need to know so hush."
We separated from the other three and started on our journey.
"So you know how to get files and stuff." Peter had started fidgeting with his fingers as I kept my hand on my gun ready to aim and shoot at anyone that's a threat.
"Yes just lets be quiet for now we don't know who's here and I'm sure Tony wants you in one piece me in the other hand, dead or alive it wouldn't make a difference."
I kept walking when I realised Peter was still standing in the same spot I'd left him.
I motioned for him to move and he finally caught on when we saw the computer room.
"Okay give me half an hour maybe less to try and get this done."
Peter stayed on look out while I finished up.
"Okay done here's the USB, you're gonna wanna show it to Tony and please take all the credit he won't listen if it comes from me."
Peter just nodded when we started to walk out.
I heard heavy footsteps as we hid around a corner.
My hand on Peters mouth to try and stay quiet when we realised the voices were a lot more closer.
"Peter go run okay get the USB to the quinjet and stay there don't move from the quinjet and if I'm not there by the time everyone else is just leave don't worry about me."
"But Y/n-"
I watched Peter run as I headed towards the voices.
Three men, all tall and buff. One had noticed me and got the attention of the other two. They all started shooting as I ran and shot back.
I started to reach the quinjet when I had noticed it was leaving and I saw my dads face in the window, I let my guard down for a second before being shot.
The pain shot through me quickly and it became hard to breathe.
I heard Peter yelling and people running, the sounds of gun shoots and a hand placed against my wound.
"Y/n no please! No please I need you! I love you god damn it!"
Peters voice. He sounded like his voice hadn't quite caught up with puberty while his body did.
"Peter just let her rest now." Aunt Nats soft voice spoke softly. I could feel warm bodies around me.
A hand stroking my hair, one on my cheek, both my hands being held and soft sobs from most people. And a annoyed sigh from one person.
"Hurry up just leave her! Come on let's go I can have fury get someone to collect her!" The sounds of gasps were heard. I heard footsteps leaving.
My eyelids became heavier and a voice in my ear saying "rest darling, it's okay, dad will meet you up there one day okay."
I nodded and closed my eyes.
Steve POV
She was gone, my only daughter gone. She looked so peaceful, her face reminded me of all the times I would go into her room after a mission late at night to see if she was okay.
God my little girl, gone. I felt my tears stream down my face as I picked up Y/n's body and carried it to the quinjet.
Clint sat at the front in the pilot seat. We could hear sniffles all around.
I had noticed Y/n's phone has been left on a table and her earphones as well.
I picked it up and saw she had been watching videos of us from years back.
I started crying again. My only daughter, my only child, the light of my life, gone.
I saw Peter sitting next to me crying and shaking. I held him close while he apologised to me.
"I'm so sorry mister Rogers, I'm so sorry I didn't protect her."
I shushed Peter and held him close. "It's okay Peter she will be fine, she's up there with Peggy, she'll take care of my little girl."
Peter calmed down and handed me the USB.
I got up and gently placed Y/n's body on the med bed and sat back down.
I started to break down and felt Nat pull me into a hug.
You never get over that sort of thing as a parent. But I felt more guilty since I had been a terrible dad to her more recently. Oh the things I would take back.

Three days later
Third POV
The funeral had been beautiful, photos of Y/n everywhere, flowers and almost the entirety of SHEILD had shown up.
Steve made an emotional speech as so did Wanda, Nat, Bucky and Fury.
Peter struggled to do anything, he felt guilty that he couldn't save her, that he never got to express his feelings for her.
And there laid Peter in his bed falling asleep to guilty to go back to the funeral and be with the people there.
Peter closed his eyes and awoke in a bright white room. It had a table, two chairs and Y/n in the middle.
"Hey Peter." Her voice sounded so soothing to Peter. He ran to Y/n and held on refusing to let go as he cried. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry I couldn't save you!"
Y/n stroked Peters hair as he cried. She knew he was grieving and that he needed the feeling of being held. "Hey I don't blame you so don't blame yourself, and I made the decision to stop and let my guard down okay."
"But I-"
"No just, I know that you may feel guilty but don't please besides my dad needs you okay? He doesn't have a child you were like the son that he always wanted." Peter just stared up at Y/n. "Okay so go be there for him, and Tony just always wanted you but make sure not to have all his attitude, most things about him are great just not his ego." Y/n giggled as Peter kept staring.
Next thing he knew Peter was kissing Y/n, he knew he wouldn't get an opportunity like this again so he savored it.

"I love you Y/n Rogers"
"I love you too Peter but I need to go now"
Peter just shook his head and started crying.

"No hold on I still need you, come back I still you need"

Peter woke up in his room and saw Steve standing in his bedroom doorway. "Did you have a nightmare kid?"

"No I saw Y/n."
"She doing okay?"
"Yes she looked so beautiful, you know your favorite dress of hers well she was wearing that and she had her hair in a bun with some flowers in it."

Alternate clothing  

"She looked so beautiful, you know that favorite shirt of hers, well she was wearing that and her favorite jeans and her hair was in a messy bun."

Steve smiled and ruffled Peters hair. "Okay goodnight kid, how about tomorrow we watch Y/n's favorite movies and eat junk? Sound good?" 

Peter just nodded and smiled, Steve walked out and smiled, he didn't replace Y/n he was just doing what she thought would need to be done.

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