Doll ~ Bucky

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You had known Bucky and Steve since you were kids

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You had known Bucky and Steve since you were kids. You three grew up together, you were never fully interested in what some of the other things the other girls were doing. You kinda liked hanging out with the boys. Despite boys being complete pigs you would only hang out with Steve and Bucky. When you hit your teenage years you developed a crush on Bucky, you tried pushing away those feelings when Bucky began going on dates with other girls but no matter how hard you tried you could never shake the feeling away.

When you were 15 you left high school like many other girls in your year and began working at a diner. You and the other girls were pressured by your parents to begin working and become 'wife material'. Your mother looked at you and said, "Sweetie you need to learn how to become wife material and working at a diner is gonna help with that, I don't wanna hear you argue." 

So once you left high school you began working at the diner you mother got you a job at. You always saw Bucky with a different girl each week but he never saw you since other waitresses would serve his table generally in hopes he would ask them out later. most nights Steve would come to the diner and sit at the counter top stools ( I hope i got that right) and talk to you when you were free.

One night all the waitresses were busy doing things in the diner so you had to serve Bucky and his 'date'.  He didn't notice you till you got to the table he was sitting at. Steve was watching from afar and so were so many other cause they all knew you liked Bucky since you were like 13.

"Hi what can I start ya with?" Bucky had a smirk on his face well until he saw you. His face was a cross between surprise and confusion.

"Hi can I get a salad and a water please?" The girl was completely oblivious to Bucky's face.

"Yep and for you?" You smirked at Bucky. He was just staring at you.

"Um phillys burger and soda please."

"Okay I'll be back with your orders soon."
As you got closer to the kitchen with the order a couple of the other waitresses stopped you. they were your friends. All of you wanted to train to be in the army, so you all saved money to start training one day.

"What just happened he was swooning over you." Your friend Linda asked you.

"Really I thought he was being a boy. To be honest I thought he was being like all the other pigs that come in here."

"Poor souls no man gives us respect well except Steven over there of course."

"Need to go get these orders made so I can take these to barbie and blind man over there"

That day you get off your shift early cause the boss told you to go home early. When you walked outside with Steve you ran into Bucky. No literally ran into Bucky. "Watch out doll."

You just rolled your eyes and got in your car and Steve followed, You drove him home most nights. But before you could start the car Bucky opened your car door and pulled you out.

"Doll whats wrong?"

"James Buchanan Barnes you seriously think I would be okay with you going to the same diner with a different gal each week and act as if I don't matter to you?! You me and Steve have been friends since we were kids and now it's like I don't exist anymore?! Now you listen here boy, grow the hell up. Actually you know what don't call me or talk to me and then you might just understand what it feels like when one of your friends suddenly isn't in your life anymore."

With that you leave a sad and kind confused Bucky behind as you drive Steve home and back to your apartment. 

The next few days were rough for you, men or more like boys wouldn't leave you alone claiming ' now that James is gone you should become someones wife'. It make you sick to hear those words, but finally you had saved up enough money to finally go through training to be in the military.

So packing your bags you said goodbye to your family and Steve and left with your friends from the diner.

After you all finished training before your whole class you separated. You got paired with Peggy Carter, to you she was an inspiration and you wanted to be like her but modifications. One day while working you saw Steve. You were surprised considering he was smaller than the other men.

After Peggy and Steve went to do project rebirth you were told you could have a month off then join Peggy and Steve.

On your first week of being back home you got a visitor. Not expecting anyone cause your friends were still doing their jobs and Steve was doing the project and your parents moved to England You didn't expect anyone. But you got up and nearly chocked on air.

"Hi doll" There stood ( handsome as always) Bucky. Holding flowers he steped inside your apartment.

"What do you want James?" You crossed your arms and glared at Bucky despite your heart telling you to run and hug him.

"Well I came to see you doll, Steve told me you joined the army and that you had changed a bit since I last saw you, so I wanted for myself and doll you're just so beautiful more beautiful than last time." You smiled. You could feel heat rushing to your cheeks,you hugged Bucky for the longest time. Finally you let go.

"Buck I'm so sorry for shutting you out for so long, I was hurt because I was jealous of all the girls you taking on dates and wished it was me because I've loved you since we were 13 years old, and I never got to tell you till now."

You looked up at Bucky who was smirking, before he put the flowers down and began to slow dance with you in your living room.He leaned down to your ear and whispered.

"I've loved you since were five."

You two just danced for a while enjoying each others company. no words were exchanged just a comfortable silence. That night you and Bucky enjoyed each others company talking about some of your favorite memories, then you got close. No further detail.

 The next day you snuggled closer to Bucky as if you couldn't get closer.

"Good morning doll."

"Good morning Buck."
Your days continued on like that for days until you both had to leave. at the airport you held each other close. 

When you two let go of each other you look each other in the eyes.

"You'll come back right?"

"Of course doll"
"I love you Bucky."
"I love you too doll"

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