REQUEST I'll take care of you ~ Tony

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Gender neutral!reader X Tony Stark
It would be a lie to say Tony was always in the moment, and almost always at your side.
Ha no, you loved Tony truly but a flaw of his was the number of hours he spent working in the lab.
But usually it didn't bother you it was just those special moments where it did bother you.
But you had been with the man for about 11 years, 6 years of dating and another 5 for marriage.
It had been a pretty boring day. Tony had spent the night in his lab, one half of the team was at the movies and the other half were out doing their own thing. It was kinda of a chill day no missions, no paper work needed to be done just a lazy day.
You started to feel a little off at about lunch time, nothing major just a little more tired than usual, you chalked it up to bad sleep.
Then as the day progressed you became lethargic, you had a head ache, and you were coughing that just was a really bad mix of things.
You had decided to move to the bedroom and sleep the rest of the day away.
"Mrs/Mr/Mx Stark I am of the belief you need attention from Mr Stark immediately."
"No don't call Tony please FRIDAY, just let me sleep for an hour please."
"As you wish Mrs/Mr/Mx Stark"
You dragged yourself to the bedroom and just laid on the bed. No prepping it for comfort or a change of clothes just you laid there and fell into a deep sleep.
I was building an upgrade for my suit, I had my music playing loudly as I worked. Then it stopped. "Uhhh who decided to turn my music off."
"I did sir, your partner requires your attention immediately Mrs/Mr/Mx Stark has been exhibiting concerning symptoms of illness and Mr Banner is not in the residence as their husband it is your duty it is your responsibility to ensure they are well."
I heard this and ran to the bedroom. I saw them laying on the bed. To someone who didn't know better would've thought they were having a peaceful nap but I knew that they were really sick.
I picked Y/n up and started to put them in comfortable clothing to sleep in. I pulled the blankets back and placed them in a comfortable position and tucked them in.
I ran to grab any medicine they would've needed. "FRIDAY, updates?"
"Stable sir, they need hydration, some basic medicine, they are experiencing the flu."
I groaned, probably one of the worst places to get a flu was here in the compound, that shit spread like wildfire.
A few hours later/ narrator pov
You had woke up and looked around. "Hmm I don't remember going to bed?"
"Ahh Mrs/Mr/Mx Stark you're awake I'll alert mr Stark."
I hear footsteps running down the hallway. And then a breathless Tony came through the door.
"Oh babe I'm so glad you're ok."
"What happened sorry?"
"You weren't feeling too good but I was in the lab and the others were somewhere else and FRIDAY got me after you passed out on the bed."
I remembered some details but not a lot.
"Darls I promise I'll stay with you and watch any movies or tv shows that you want to, here move over."
"You have your own side of the bed Stark go to that side."
"Technically the whole is mine since I payed for it." You rolled your eyes and moved over for the man child.
"I love you Y/n"
"Love you too Tony."

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