Preference~ them realising you've moved on ~ part 1

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This is gonna be long so buckled in, also I'm using they pronouns so it makes the story gender neutral.

It was rough for him, he'd seen you around before but never had the balls to actually speak to you because he knew that one way or another he'd admit that he still loved you. But no class could ever prepare Tony for the day he'd realised you moved on.
But it was a rainy day, really cliche he saw you in the cafe you loved but saw the person sitting across from you. Their hand on top of yours and the smile on your face was one bigger than he gave you during the early months of dating.
So there he stood, soaked from the rain and crying as he realised that you had moved on. He knew you'd find happiness elsewhere but he'd never found someone like you.

Steve never stopped loving you, even after the six month period after the breakup. The breakup had been neutral, the long missions and the restless nights just weren't the life for you and he saw how it took a toll on your mental health. Steve had decided for your benefit to end the relationship, a decision he'd find to be the most difficult of his life.
It had been a normal day out, he was exploring New York City. Eventually circling back to Central Park and sat on his favourite park bench by the water fountain he loved. That's when he saw you.
Across the grass there you sat, laughing and cuddling with another person as you both basked in the sunlight. He smiled to himself as he watched the love of his life enjoy the company of another. He knew it's happen but it still hurt. It hurt to watch the one he loved the most find the happiness they desired most with another. But atlas he knew that it had come to a point in that time line where the love of his life was not coming back, they had moved on.

It had been tough for Natasha, though she didn't show it, she was really hurt. The break up had been hard for Natasha, she spent hours training, she took up more and more missions. She avoided any moment to spend alone with her thoughts, in her mind she had no time to sit and weep over what could've been. Life would continue to move so she had to move as well.
But Fury had made Natasha stop for a moment, he was concerned for her.
The break provided time for Natasha to think , all she could think about was the night you left. A big argument had occurred, one all too familiar between the both of you. The topic of her not sharing enough.
It was something that the both of you hated, you wished that she shared a little more, rather than shut off completely. And Natasha just wished she knew how to explain it all to you.
But the argument had gone to a level both of you weren't ready for. It ended with you ending things and packing your bags and leaving.
Natasha had spent so much time trying to put you out of her mind but failed miserably, all she remembers was seeing you at a shop you both loved, you were waiting outside a change room for someone. Natasha had decided to make her way to you but her heart shattered when she saw someone come out and kiss you. You giggled and did the hair thing you did when you kissed someone.
That's when Natasha ran out of the store and never returned. It was dramatic but hey loving someone from a distance was hard.

The break happened just before he left for Asgard. It was assumed he'd be there for a long time maybe permanently and Thor wasn't reacting very well to the news. A simple conversation had gone from calm to explosive. Next thing you knew Thor was gone form your life and would be for five years.
Thor had returned and had come back a better person, he was expecting to smooth things over with you.
It was upon his return that Thor had learned you moved out and hadn't been seen that much since. It broke his heart, had he not left you'd still be there with him. "Where are they now?"
His voice was soft but pained, he didn't want to know fully what happened in the five years he was gone.
"We don't know sorry, maybe it's for the best Thor."
Maybe it was but to him it wasn't. Thor was willing to spend a lifetime looking for you, only he didn't have to go very far. He had made a trip to New Orleans, just as a getaway trip. That's when he saw you.
His heart felt warm but it shattered quickly when he saw you kiss someone and stay in their hands as your fingers interlocked. He felt heart broken seeing someone make you happier than he had made you before.
But you moved on and now it was time for him to move on.

Peter P
He saw you everyday in the school halls. He saw you in chemistry, math, English. You always seemed to be there, that's what made the process harder.
Peter still remembered the moment you both broke up on your balcony. He still remembers the way you looked, your distinct scent and the smell of your shampoo when he held you close for one last time.
But you had decided to study abroad in New Zealand, have an interesting experience in a country other than your own. Peter wouldn't say it but he missed seeing you around school.
It was after six months of you being abroad you came back. And holding hands with someone from the trip. Peter had been to get you some chocolate and other small things to win you back but it was quickly disposed of when he saw you holding hands and laughing with another person. Peter would experience heartbreak but not one like that.

She watched as you continued to grow after your guys break up. Wanda felt weird as she watched you thrive without, Wanda still had feelings for you but she weighed you down. Not your words but the vibe Wanda got. Being with her had allowed you to learn how to block her from your thoughts. Wanda had feelings she needed to sort through, alone.
You knew that being  in a relationship wasn't smart for both of you so you ended it.
And Wanda always wishes you never did end the relationship. See the problem was that it had been three years and she never got over to. Wanda just say there waiting for you to burst through her door and proclaim your love for her but it never happened.
It was a cold day,  no one had wanted to come to the park so Wanda figured she could go for a walk and see what was around.
She sat on a bench when she heard your all too familiar laugh.
Wanda looked around for you and saw you sitting against another person as you both laughed and exchanged stories. Wanda wanted to go and kiss you but she watched as a smile formed on your face. One she has seen before. A smile that could easily break if someone ruined their happiness.
Wanda could be bitter yea but she simply walked away. You had moved and so now that's what Wanda needed to do.

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