If by chance~ Wanda

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So this is a sequel to my across the room Wanda imagine, so enjoy : ) Male!Reader x Wanda Maximoff

It seemed almost everyone but the newly engaged couple knew you loved Wanda, the tower buzzed with excitement with the engagement and the idea of an avengers wedding. Your wanted to feel happy, you truly did but you felt this foreign feeling within you, in life a person could only want so many things before there was one major thing or person they wanted and it was all they wanted, a feeling different to that of a wanting a certain gift at Christmas.

You left the room, it felt as though you were in a different place, the cheers sounded distant, Natasha sounded further away then what she actually was and the music just seemed to fade out. You continued walking and fianlly, you sat in the hallway, away from everyone, away from all the noise. You brought your knees to your chest and began to cry, all the anger, the hurt, the desire came crushing down. You cried for what felt like forever when you heard a voice. 

"Y/n?" You looked up and saw Wanda standing across from you. She sat on the ground next to you. Her arms wrapped around you body as you continued to cry. She hummed and tried to shush you. 

Finally you pulled away from Wanda, you didn't want to say what you said next but with the high running emotions your mouth moved faster than your mind. "I can't do this, I like you Wanda, wait no, I love you." Wanda stared at you, you could see the glossy look in her eyes as you continued talking. "I've loved you longer than you'll ever know anf watching you get engaged well that hurt and fuck, uhh, I'd be lying if I said that I wouldn't wait for you any longer." 

"Y/n I-" You cut her off. 

"And I'm sorry but if by chance your love for Vision doesn't work out, you know where to find me." You stood up and walked away, you refused to look at Wanda, you knew one look at her, you'd break. 

You knew she'd probaby choose Vision but there was that little, tiny glimmer of hope within you that maybe, just maybe  she'd choose you. 

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