Preference~ you have his kid after the break up

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I think this is the last of the part twos Stephen Clint and Bruce

Three years is how long Clint and Laura lasted until they broke up again.
She took the kids with her and left the country.
You had a two year old daughter named Katy who was the spitting image of you but she had Clints eyes and smile.
You were sitting in your room at the tower when your toddler came running in.
"Yes Katy and remember quiet voices please." You gave your daughter a smile, you always enjoyed seeing her so excited about something.
"Mommy my birthday is tomorrow!"
You laughed and picked up your daughter.
"Yes it is my darling and tomorrow you turn three."
Katy started laughing when you tickled her.
"Hey Y/n oh hey Katy."
"Quiet voices, what's up Tony?"
He started fidgeting with his fingers as he looked down at the ground. "Um Barton's moving back tomorrow because him and Laura are done so she left he's coming back."
You sighed and looked down at Katy and smiled. "Well I was right they weren't gonna last"
You avoided everyone for the rest of the day. Thor had taken Katy to the supermarket while you finished getting her presents ready for tomorrow.
A kids bow and arrow set were wrapped up along with a barbie dream house she so desperately wanted with a couple books and clothes.
Everything was now ready for the next day the task was to get Katy to sleep.
You gave Katy dinner and a bath when you noticed she was a bit pale and droopy.
"Katy sweetie are you okay?"
She shook her head. "Can you talk for mummy please?" She shook her head again.
You grabbed her and rushed into the living room and asked Bruce to check over her.
"She's burning up badly we need to take her to hospital."
You grabbed Katy got her medical files and started rushing out the door when you saw Nat and Wanda waiting with a car already.
You got to the hospital in time when the doctors took for a little bit while you sat in the waiting room.
You cried, the pain of not knowing what was wrong with your child scared you.
Natasha walked out of the room and was talking to someone on the phone.
Natashas POV
My phone started to ring and I saw Clints name so I walked out to answer


Hey Nat where are you?
Um I'm at the children's hospital with Wanda and Y/n
Y/n's daughter needed to be rushed here and we're waiting on the doctor to come out and tells what's wrong
How old is she
Two turning three tomorrow
Crap um I know the hospital I'll be there soon
Wait no Clint

He hung up on me and I saw Y/n behind me with Katy in her arms.


Oh no he was on his way, doctors had cleared Katy saying she had a fever and she needed some medicine and sleep.
She was already asleep in my arms when we went to see if Nat was alright.
"So he's coming here?"
She nodded slowly, even tho they were best friends she had sworn to secrecy about Katy. Everyone had.
We soon heard my name being called out by Clint and Steve's voice telling him to be quiet.
Nat walked away to go tell Clint to wait outside while I signed papers.
By the time we got to the car the boys had all left to meet us at the tower.
This was all becoming too much for one day.

Four years was how long Stephen was gone for, since he cheated on me.
But out of all the people in the world he went back to his ex. I had partly moved on, I had to for my daughter Alya.
She was my ray of sunshine as cliche as it sounded.
After Alya was born I packed our things up and moved back to England to be close to family.
They were supportive of me and Alya coming out there, I stayed with my parents till I could afford an apartment.
I worked two part time jobs, one at a bookshop and a cafe. Both paid nicely and staff and my boss were nice so I never saw a reason to leave. I was happy and so was Alya that's all that I really needed.
Third POV
Y/n had gone off to work at the bookshop for the day and left Alya at her grandparents for the day.
"Hey Alya why don't you and I go to the park while grandma stays here to finish off her things?"
Alya nodded her head enthusiastically and ran off to say goodbye to her grandma and grab her coat.
Alya POV
Grandpa took me to the park near their house and I was so excited.
Grandpa had said today there weren't gonna be many people there so he sat on a bench while I played.
I heard my grandpa call me at one point saying we were going home, I looked over and saw a man? I remembered him from photos on my mum's phone, she didn't like talking about him.
Then I saw mummy coming over and grandpa was arguing with the man, I didn't like it so I hid in the tunnel.
I saw Alya run into the tunnel, she had a look of panic on her face. I looked over at my dad, he was arguing with someone, that made sense why Alya hid but I couldn't see their face.
My dad spotted me and yelled out "Y/n take Alya back to my place!" I nodded and Alya came running into my arms.
The guy turns and I see Stephen with red eyes as if he's been crying.


Your little boy Patrick was a gifted boy, he was eight years old and almost a mini Bruce. He didn't get the other guy like Bruce has but he got his intelligence. Everyday it developed more and more, everyday after school Patrick would sit with Tony doing homework or helping with a new project.
You had heard talk from Nick Fury Nat had found Bruce but no one was sure. No one and heard from Nat for a while since she had gone see undercover for a mission. She barely sent any info so everyone was waiting in her return.
You had always waited for Bruce to return in the first two years go his disappearance. But as the years went on you lost hope and just told Patrick that his dad lived off the grid.
He understood and would just play around in Bruce's old lab.
You were sitting in your office finishing up an email when you heard someone walk in, you just continued working on your email until you were done. You were so close when the person who walked in spoke. "Y/n?" You froze when you heard the voice. You turned and looked at the person a quiet "Bruce" escaped your lips.
He just stood there with stubble on his face, a dirty T-shirt hanging loosely in him along with a pair of sweatpants. His hair was a mess.
You stood up and slapped Bruce across the face. "I deserved that"
You threw yourself onto Bruce and held on tight.
"I was dangerous."
"No you weren't. Please just stay with me and Patrick."
Bruce pulled away and looked at you with a shocked expression. A smile took over soon and he followed you to his lab.
"Hey Pat I want you to meet someone."
"Yeah mum?"
"Meet your dad."
You stepped to the side and watched Patrick embrace his father for the first time.

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