Ten years later~ Tony

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Let's pretend Morgan is born before the snap
And also your like fifteen in this. And Tony never dies actually the snap never happened

And that Tony has clients cause I can't remember if he does

You loved your dad with all your heart ever since you were little you only really wanted your dad. You also loved your mum but you spent more time at your dads house so you were just that little bit closer with your dad.
He was always there during your big milestones growing up. He was there during each awards assembly for the highest academic excellence award or when you did really well on a test.
But when you turned about nine everything changed, Pepper gave birth to Morgan. You didn't want to be selfish so you let her get lots of attention considering she was just a baby but you noticed your dad barely talked to you.
You were now fifteen and Morgan was six.
Pepper always tried but work and Morgan kept her busy so you never really had anyone to talk to.
Your dad brought Peter Parker to the tower almost every day, you liked Peter as your friend you thought he was a nice kid, a bit oblivious sometimes but still nice. They always made stuff together your dad even talked of giving the Stark company to Peter until Morgan became of age. Peter asked Tony " what about Y/n? Wouldn't she get the company since she's your oldest child?" Tony scoffed.
"Nah she didn't deserve it." You stood there hand over your mouth and ran to your room.
You called out to JARVIS " JARVIS don't let anyone in block all over rides."
"Yes miss Stark."
"Actually JARVIS can you call me Miss Y/L/N?"
"Of course"
Luckily JARVIS stuck to your demands and didn't let anyone in.
You woke up at 3:00 am and went to the kitchen to get a drink of water when you heard Pepper and Tony arguing. But it was about you.
"Come on Pep do you really expect me to care about her even though I never wanted her in the first place?"
"Tony, she is still your daughter what happened to you guys years ago? When you guys could barely do anything without one another? Where you hated weekends cause she went to her mum's? What happened?"
You stood there waiting. You were quiet, a trait taught to you by Natasha the art of being still and silent.
"We have Morgan who is a better daughter, I wish sometimes I could leave Y/N some where and not have to worry about bringing her back. I wish Peter was my oldest I want to hand over Stark company to him not her."
"TONY! Why are you like this she is your DAUGHTER! She is your own flesh and blood and your willing to throw her away like she's nothing?!"
"Well yes"
"No! I'm taking Morgan with me away from you so spend quality time with Y/N till I get back" Pepper turned the corner you were listening at and froze. Tony also froze. "Y/N how much of mine and your dads conversation did you hear?"
"About enough time know I'm not good enough for THE Tony Stark, in fact I'm nothing to him, you know what stay Pepper go to bed just I need a minute"
You turned and ran back to your room and slammed your door sat putting the previous demands back in place.
You packed most of your things and called your mum.
"Hey mum I'm sorry to bother you but can I stay with you?"
"Of course sweetie I'll send Ben over in a minute" Ben is your stepdad.
"Thanks by mum love you."
"Love you too sweetheart."
You hung up and slid down your wall tears silently pouring out your eyes. You finished packing grabbed a jacket and left. You saw someone standing in the kitchen. They walked over to you and it was Wanda.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm leaving because Tony never wanted me so instead of staying in a place where it doesn't feel like home anymore I'm leaving to be with other family."
"He loves you he just doesn't know how to express it"
"I know you read minds but after what I heard today it's kinda hard to believe so tell the team I love them and Pepper and Morgan. Goodbye Wanda"
Wanda pulled you into a hug crying softly. She let you go, she was torn between crying or going to yell at Tony in a blind rage.
You got outside and saw Ben leaning against his car. He smiled and opened his arms to you. "Hey kiddo missed you." You began sobbing, you liked Ben more than your dad currently and Ben recently felt more like a dad to you so to be in a father like embrace made you feel loved.
You got to your mum's and she slept in your bed with you that night to make sure you were comforted during the night.
You woke up the next day to shouting.
"NO IF YOU CARED ABOUT HER SHE WOULDN'T HAVE CALLED Y/M/N AT THREE IN THE MORNING ASKING TO COME HERE AND THEN TELL ME IN THE CAR HOW SHE FELT!" You walked down the stairs and see the Avengers helping your mum hold back Ben since he was a strong man and Tony being held back by Rhodey.
They all looked at you. You walked up to Tony, glaring at him.
He began apologising. "Baby I'm so sorry I never meant to hurt you I was just stressed and I didn't mean to say all those things about you I'm truly sorry." You cut him off.
"Don't let the door hit you on the way out Tony." You walked back upstairs ignoring Tony calling your name. You heard people leave as you began to cry. Ben came rushing in and held you in his arms. Like he did when you were five and had a nightmare.
Ten years later
You were sitting in your office of your very own building the Y/L/N company. You were seventeen when you started your business, it held a lot of purpose from financing to planning acting careers and singing careers. Your company was a huge success.
You were sitting in your chair looking over New York City when your assistant came in.
"Y/N you have a visitor here claiming it's urgent to see you right away and your schedule is clear for a few hours so should I let him in?"
You nodded as thanked your assistant. You started to straighten yourself up and stand when you saw Tony Pepper Morgan and Peter all walk in. You called in your assistant. Well your second one.
"Micheal can you please see if the meeting room is free?"
"It is Y/n would you like me to lead these people there while you finish up any work?"
"No thanks Micheal" Not even saying a word you lead they follow.
You all sit down. You at the head of the table and Pepper and Tony on one side and Peter and Morgan on the other side.
You started " well you're all here for a reason so what brings all of you here after ten years?"
Tony began talking. "We need money we all made some stupid decisions with Stark company and most of our clients came here and now we're running out of money. Please we know that you probably hate us for what we did but please we're desperate." You looked around.
"I don't hate anyone I just don't like you Tony, you were my dad you were supposed to make me feel loved but no, look never knew Peter enough to form an opinion but I was still jealous of the fact that you spent more time with him same goes for Morgan except for the fact she was so little at the time she didn't know any better and Pepper tried but you didn't you sat there and pretended I didn't exist. And now here I am with my own billion dollar company and you're asking for money?"
Tony just looked at you.
You sighed.
"One million that's all, I'm not handing clients back." Tony started to rub his forehead in frustration. Pepper whispered something in his ear.

"Y/N please you can't do this to your own family. Please" You checked the time on your watch counting the minutes till you had brunch with Ben and your mum.

"I just gave you four a great deal take it or leave it, you're not fully family Morgan and Tony maybe by blood but Tony will never be my dad like Ben is and honestly Morgan never did any thing to me and get this through your heads if you truly cared Tony I would have never left but actually thank you cause now I have a business making me a billionaire with supportive parents who I now have to meet for brunch now please think about my offer and call my assistant Micheal who will help you out. Oh and Morgan good luck for the future" You gave Morgan a small smile who she kindly returned a small one back, you watched them leave and you left through a different door.

I walked to my car and drove to the cafe a couple minutes away. I saw my mum and Ben waiting outside for me.

I parked and got out, I hugged both of them. We walked in and I began telling my mum about what had just happened, I always liked that I could tell my mum anything and she would listen and give me helpful advice.

"Well your offer seems fair considering his clients left on their own but maybe you should talk to your dad?" I looked at mum unimpressed.

"What do you mean I always talk to dad heck he's next to me right now" Ben let out a chuckle as  mum gave a slight frown.
"Sweetheart." I looked at mum in the eyes and sighed. "Maybe just talking to him whether it be good or bad it would be best to let these feelings go or I get a therapist. " Mum smirked at me, she knew.

"You know kiddo your mum is right, you do need to eventually talk to him" You sighed in defeat and continued the brunch with Ben and your mum. Once you finished you called your assistant Ellie.

"Hello Y/N how can I help?"

"Hi Ellie can you call Stark's industries and organise a meeting with Tony Stark within the next hour please?"

"Sure thing"
"Thank you Ellie." You smiled at the girl as you finished some paperwork. Ellie came back telling you Tony was in the meeting room. You thanked her again and walked out.
"Hello Y/N" Tony stood up but I waved my hand for him to sit down.
"Please sit we have some stuff to discuss."
I sat down at my usual spot.
"Look Mum thinks we should talk and I wanna know what happened when Morgan was born and you met Peter? Because I was so hurt by what you did."
Tony looked down for a second and looked back at you. "I'm not sure I think I just was so stressed with everything around me I took it out on you. And I continued down that path then I felt distant from you. And I didn't know so what to do and I turned out to be like my old man. I know it doesn't excuse my actions and I'm still so sorry for what I did."
I nodded and looked out the window. I could see the sun shining through the windows of other buildings. I always forget how beautiful the city looks sometimes.
I looked back at Tony. "Look I wanna day I get it but I don't but I'm willing to try and talk again. But my offer for the money doesn't change."!
"Okay I understand but thank you for willing to talk again." I walked over and gave Tony a small hug. I walked him out and waved as he drove off.
He may regret what he did but I don't.

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