Hades daughter ~ Loki

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So I'm not exactly sure if it'll make sense since I'm not sure if Greek and Norse mythology would run along the same sort of lines but just for the stories sake I'm gonna make it that way

They all wanted Nat and Tony back but had no way of bringing them back from the dead.
Loki had started to zone out when he felt a nudge
"Brother what if we visited you know who?"
Loki froze he knew the person Thor was talking about, the one person who probably never wanted to see him again.
"No no you know what happened I just can't she probably hates me." Loki looked down in shame as the two brothers continued to converse. Louder than they knew.
"Probably but we need Tony and Natasha back and she's the only person who would do it besides it would be better than seeing her father."
Loki groaned as the others looked on. "Who are you two talking about?" Peter looked at them with curiosity as Wanda looked into Loki's mind. She saw a girl with blue hair and a smile wider than anyone's she had ever seen and then nothing after that.
"Nope lets go follow me."
They all followed Loki into his room as they all in a flash appeared in a dark place next to a river with people flowing through it but maybe souls?
Soon they heard boots walking towards them as Loki tensed and Thor smiled.
"You both have a lot of nerve showing up here." Everyone turned and show a girl in a black leather jacket, dark purple shirt / crop top, black skinny jeans and y/c/h with blue running through it.
"Lady Y/n how lovely to see you!" Thor opened his arms to greet the girl but was rejected when a blue like orb flew past Thor and Loki's heads. "Well what's it been Loki? Almost ten years since you LEFT ME AT THE ALTAR!"
Generally Loki was not scared much but this woman just had something about her for when she got angry he got a little scared. "Why did you not tell me you loved me or leave a note saying I'm sorry hit this isn't going to work out? NO you and your whole family just pack up and leave the destination leaving me humiliated in front of everyone we knew. It's funny I'm still the talk apparently, on your little ASGARD!"
Her hair started to have a purple flame around it as she grew mad.
"Y/n please I'm sorry for what I did but we need help." Her flames blew out but her eyes turned a bright purple.
"What?" Her words tripped like venom from her mouth.
"We need help to bring back some friends." Loki was now looking at the ground. The girl scoffed "and why should I help you? After all you know the rules and what needs to be followed."
The avengers looked at one another as Loki nodded. "What needs to be followed." Peter stepped forward.
The woman looked at Peter. "In order to bring someone back each person needs to states why they love someone in this room and then go challenge my pet dog however he is not so little and has taken many lives before."
Everyone looked at one another the girl leaned against the wall and play with a flame as she awaited an answer, really the challenge wasn't like that it was only to state why they want to bring a loved one back and why they loved them. 
"Okay we'll do it." Wandas accent had faded but from time to time her accent with certain words would be noticeable.
The girl laughed and walked over to the group. "I only mention my pet to see if people would stay and if they were to become cocky they would face my dog but most of your group didn't become cocky so just say why you want them back and why you loved them and I'll consider if it's good enough."
They all stood listing reasons why they wanted Tony and Natasha back, the girl smiled to herself. She had never had seen a group or person like this, she saw they cared very deeply about the people they wanted back.
Once they finished she bent down to the river the flowed next to them and picked two souls from them and out came Natasha and Tony.
The team ran over and hugged them both grateful to have them both back.
The girl started to walk away when a hand grabbed her and spun her in a circle.
There Loki stood in front of her about to put his life back together. "Loki?"
"Y/n Uhh I'm so sorry for leaving you on our wedding day, it was stupid of me to leave the most important person in my life but if you'd let me, I'd like to try again and be here this time." Loki had walked closer to the girl and held her face in his hands as he gave her the most genuine and loving smile anyone had ever gotten from him.
"Okay" it had barely came out a whisper but he heard it, the voice he had missed all those years they spent apart.
"Come my love let's go to Midgard." She took his arm and linked with hers following everyone but to earth where she spent her days with Loki.

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