Seeing shadows~ Peter

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⚠️⚠️⚠️ tw mention of death at the end

He loved MJ not me, MJ. I glad he was happy but I thought that this time it might have been my time. For weeks the team had been trying to get me out of bed. My dad and uncle Bucky were away on a long mission so the only two people who could make me smile most days weren't here.

It was a weekend evening and everyone was out, I finally left my room to go get some food when I thought I saw someone pass me. I shrugged it off and kept moving but I kept seeing shadows but they didn't scare me, for I felt comfort and a warm feeling in my chest. I reached my destination and I grabbed my hidden stash of cookies and grabbed a few as I started to get/make my favorite drink when I thought of my favourite memory in the kitchen I had with peter.

"Wait so you're saying Albus is a bad principle in how he played favourites?!" Peter looked at me wide eyed as I laughed loudly.

"YES! Because Harry did so much stuff with Hermione and Ron that could have gotten them in trouble, however they never did, listen I could be wrong however thats just what I think" I sipped my tea as Peter looked baffled. I saw Peter's phone light up as his face turned pink and a goofy stupid grin came upon his face. "What are you smiling at weirdo?"
He looked up me quickly putting down his phone smile still wide as ever as he shook his head. "Umm that was MJ and she sent me a funny photo of her and her dog going for a walk earlier. I think I'm in love with her you I just feel so happy I'm gonna ask her out." I kept a smile on my face as Peter rambled on about MJ, I was happy he was in love the only thing was it wasn't with me. "I'm happy for you Peter, ask her out I think she might say yes." Peters eyes looked at me hopefully as we continued our night.

I still saw all the shadows flying around me. I held back tears as I moved back towards my room when I heard everyone come back as I quickly and quietly walked back to my room avoiding everyone when I heard a voice from behind me. "Y/n?" I froze and looked behind me and saw Peter. I booked it and ran for my room. Peter not far behind me.
I hid in my bathroom as I sat in my bathtub in the dark room waiting for Peter to leave.
"Y/n? I know you're in here please don't hide from me please"
I tried not to cry,  I wanted to hug him but I also wanted to punch him till I felt better
I heard he bathroom door open and I saw Peter sit on the floor in front of me
"Why haven't you talked to me?"
I saw he had tears on his eyes, I felt more in my eyes and bit my lip to stop the sobs. I felt his warm hand caress my cheek as he spoke softly. "Y/n please just talk to me."
I shook my head as I tried not cry. But I finally spoke. "All I've seen is shadows, all I can see is you and MJ together, all I can see is memories of us when we would hang out but now it's different, I had it planned out, I was gonna take you to our favourite building with a picnic and we'd watch the sunset as I asked you to go out with me."
Peter just looked at me with tears pooling in his eyes. "But you chose MJ, I want you to be happy but I think it means that I can't see you anymore because I'm scared that I'll never be able to let you go." I was finally letting all this out. "I still see shadows everywhere I go here, I saw us in the kitchen today, so Peter it's better for the both of us if you just leave and never talk to me again."
Peter left. I cried myself to sleep that night.
And that was the last words I said to anyone before I died

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