Peter's older sister ~ Thor

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YOU ARE LIKE TWENTY THREE IN THIS ansgty? with fluff ending

You had lived in New York all your life, you had a little brother named Peter Parker, for years you had remembered living with your Aunt May and Peter, you had a great deal of loss in your life

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You had lived in New York all your life, you had a little brother named Peter Parker, for years you had remembered living with your Aunt May and Peter, you had a great deal of loss in your life. From your parents to your uncle Ben you had struggled for a while but your Aunt May had pulled you through.

Over time you became Pepper Potts assistant and met Tony Stark, you later became an Avenger when Tony found you in a training room yelling in Russian, Serbian and German. He was surprised and offered you a spot. Your Aunt May was worried but you assured her that you would be safe.

You loved the team. You had heard of Thor but never met him.

You were cooking in the kitchen with Wanda when Thor came back and didn't know who you were so you were a surprise to him and he was a surprise to you.

"WHO ARE YOU?!" You chuckled and turned around to continue cooking.

"I'm Y/N Parker the older sister of Peter Parker, and my guess is you're Thor from Asgard?" You put a pile of pancakes on the dining table.

"Yes I'am lady Y/N , and are you the new avenger?" His low voice sending shivers down your back."

"Yes and I hope to get to know you." You smiled up at Thor but then another girl walked in and put her arms around Thor.

"Good morning Thor." Her eyes opened and she instantly saw you. "Who are you?"

Thor picked her up bridal style and carried her out explaining you were the new avenger. You continued cooking but in silence since Wanda went to the training room.

You put the food on the table as everyone came in well except for Thor and his lover. The thought left a bittersweet taste in your mouth. You had zoned out when you heard your name being called. You looked up across to Tony

"You okay?" You nodded and left the room to go train on your own.

After a couple hours you heard a voice behind you. "You okay doll" You whipped around. It was just Bucky

"Yeah yeah I'm fine just training, whats up?" Bucky chuckled. "What?"

"Oh doll I can see right through you, and I saw the moment you and Thor had earlier, but don't do anything yet okay? He's with Jane and we're all convinced she's not sticking around for long so just wait a year okay promise me a year?" Bucky sticks his pinky finger and you hook yours with his and nod.
"Okay a year."

Over a period of days Thor and Jane were going out and spending the day going around New York, it didn't bother you, it was almost your Aunt May's birthday when you and Peter had decided to treat aunt May to a special day.  You were grabbing everything when a voice behind you made you jump. "Where are you going lady Y/N?" You turned and smiled at Thor collecting the rest of your things. "It's my aunts birthday so Peter and I are taking her out for the day courtesy of Tony's credit card." Thor laughed  said goodbye to you as you walked out the door.

You met with Peter outside the apartment towers and walked up with him discussing school and his life outside of being an avenger. "Hey Y/N why don't you ever go on dates or have a life?" You laughed.

"Well theres no man here that'll hold my hand for a few months to get to know me and I have a life it's just I put it aside for my job since Fury is always sending me on missions." You got to your aunt May's apartment door and before you could even knock she opened it and pulled you in a hug.

"Oh Y/N I haven't seen you in ages you've been so busy, come tell me about your life." Before you could answer Peter spoke up. "Get ready aunt May her life is pretty boring." You lightly punched Peter in the arm and laughed.

You all sat down on the couch as you began talking to your aunt as Peter listened.

"Well I haven't met anyone yet and I guess it'll be hard for whoever ends up dating me because being an avenger and constantly being away so I'm not really looking and for social life same thing kind of applies always being away but when I'am here I'm generally sleeping and so I put my life mainly on hold till I can talk to director Fury about easing up on the missions." Your aunt reached across and grabbed your hand giving it a reassuring squeeze  and a smile with tears in her eyes.

"Your parents would be so proud of you both of you and Y/N maybe it's time you start dating again try and get out there I just don't want you to waste your life and let it slip by you okay? You have so much to offer." You nodded and hugged your aunt. Maybe she was right, but it just wasn't the right time.
That night when you returned to the tower you heard arguing in the living room. You could hear Jane and Thor arguing about someone. You stood behind a wall waiting for someone to walk off of for it to quiet down. When you heard your name in the mix.
"WHY DID YOU SAY Y/N'S NAME IN YOUR SLEEP?!" You began to attempted to quickly walked past the living room when someone pulled you back by your shoulder. It was Jane and all she could see was red.
Her fist connected with your nose and then your eye before Thor pulled her off you and Steve was carrying you to a room where he could assist you with your injuries.
Turns out she gave you a broken nose which healed pretty quickly and a black eye.
You were on no missions order while you're injuries were healing. The others told you that Thor and Jane broke up and Thor has returned to Asgard till he could sort something out. No one knew what it was and no one knew when he was coming back.
About three months passed and you were once again cooking in the kitchen and Thor walks in.
You didn't notice because you were singing but jumped when you felt arms around your waist but settled when a voice spoke.
"Lady Y/N it's just me Thor." You pushes him back and turned around and looked into his eyes.
"Thor why did you grab my waist like that?"
"Because while I was on Asgard I started thinking about you and all your perfectness and I heard about what you said to your brother Peter and I'm willing to hold your hand for a few months and get to know you just you make me so so happy and I hope you feel the same about me." Thor placed his finger under your chin and lifted your head. You both stood there until you layed your head on his chest and mumbled "Yes".

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