Our princess ~ Stony

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Let me clear this up, I support multiple ships when it has a somewhat ok age not like Peter and Tony NO they have a father son relationship almost but I support Steve and Bucky and Steve and Tony, Clint and Natasha and a couple others so I don't really stick to one ship for different people just for future knowledge

You Y/N Stark Rogers were the daughter of the famous Steve Rogers and Tony Stark.
You had grown up in the Tower around the other avengers. You were the most important person in the tower, they were all important but you were the most protected especially when it came to going out. Which luckily for them didn't happen much.
But let's start with the beginning of time.
How they got you
Steve had been out on a run when a woman came and shoved a bundle of blankets in his arms. He looked down and saw you asleep. He looked up for the woman and when he didn't see her he took you back to the tower.
When he got there Tony was in his lab when he heard Steve call to him when he walked in.
"Yeah babe?"
"Come here for a minute please I have something to show you."
Tony walked over and saw the bundle in his arms and froze.
"Is it mine?"
"No SHE was shoved in my arms while I was out running and I couldn't find the mother so I brought her back here."

"What are we gonna call her?"

"I was thinking maybe Y/N Peggy Maria Stark Rogers?"

"Hmm long name but it has meaning so I love it."

You began to stir and Tony took you out of Steve's arms and started to bounce you a little.

First word Y/N pov

Daddy ( Tony ) wasn't away and Papa ( Steve) won't let me see him, I see aunty peweper and aunty nat and aunty wanda but no daddy. I think I'm gonna just cry for my daddy.

Third person pov

Natasha and Wanda and Pepper were all sitting around Y/N while Steve had a light nap on the couch, since Tony was on a mission Steve was doing most of the late night feeds changes and soothing. It had taken a toll on him and all three woman had decided to look after Y/N while Steve slept. They were all talking about work and their partners. Then you began to cry and Pepper tried to calm you, didn't work, and Natasha and Wanda also tried but failed and the Steve finally woke up and calmed you.
You began to fall asleep when you heard a familiar voice you had been missing.
"Is she asleep?" Before your dada (Steve) could reply you squealed.
"DADDY!" Everyone stopped and stared at you. Then both your dads started cheering and trying to get you say dada.
First steps

Both you and your dads were playing in your playroom, your dada was playing with a ken doll and your daddy had another ken doll. You lost interest but  both your dads were talking about an upcoming mission and you wanted to play with your interactive toy cat. You stood up a little unbalanced but you still got up. 

You took a couple steps and fell but you got up and tried again, you walked over and grabbed your cat only to be lifted up by your dada.

They cheered for you and tickled you.

First day of school/ high school

Both your dad's were emotional on both days. When you started school at five you gave them both hugs and kisses and you ran off skipping.

However high school was a different story, both your dads were on a mission so the only people taking you to school were Clint Nat and Fury ( yes he wanted to be there). Both your dads had called you and wished you a good day. However at the end of the day you saw both dads waiting for you. You ran to both of them and held them close.

You walked home and spent the night talking with both your dads about your day. Later that night they put you to bed after you fell asleep while a movie.

They pulled your blankets over you and watched you snuggled up in the blankets. Both smiling to themselves. They walked out and talked with each other.

"She's still our little princess, I miss when she was five and would make us do tea parties and watch barbie movies" Steve nodded and checked the security camera before falling asleep.

They both dreamed of you growing up, more like memories as dream but still you were forever their little princess.

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