unknown child ~ Tony

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You had lived in an orphanage your whole life, your mum wasn't ready and you don't know who your dad was

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You had lived in an orphanage your whole life, your mum wasn't ready and you don't know who your dad was. Well that all changed the day a man walked in, you knew who he was. The famous Tony Stark, rumor was his kid was in the orphanage. You were positive it wasn't you, so instead of sucking up like the others you went to your shared bedroom and continued your homework. You were advanced for your age, your teacher wanted to move you but you refused so another level teacher gave you work and that same teacher graded it. You knew you were smart in fact you were building a mini robot from metal scraps that a junk yard owner gave you. It was technically part of your pay for helping him, you were 15 almost at the age where Miss Sanders ( the orphanage owner) would let you go. The age was 16, considering your birthday was only a couple months away you were already packing bags. This wasn't the life you wanted, you wanted a simple life in a normal home with a parent or both in a house with a dog or cat just to be happy.

The day Tony Stark walked in you were going upstairs to avoid him, everyone said you looked like him and had almost the intelligence of him, you didn't believe it. Surely a billionaire like him wouldn't have a kid right? Anyway, you were walking up the stairs when Miss Sanders called out to you. "Y/N please come say hi, it might be an early opportunity to leave before you reach the age?" You turned and walked back down bag of metal scraps in hand. You thought Tony looked rude with his sunglasses on but you couldn't complain you had yours on. You extended your hand for him to shake, which he took and began introducing yourself. "Hello I'm Y/N I've been here since I was a baby, don't know who my parents are, I'm of very high intelligence and I'm working four year levels a head of my age but refuse to move up. I hope you consider adopting me but I don't take things personal goodbye." You turned on your heel and left up the stairs.

Tony's POV

I met every child in that orphanage and not a single child sparked my interest except for the Y/n kid. I mean impressive.

"Happy which kid did you like?" Happy looked at me through the rear view mirror.

"Well I liked he Suzy girl she seemed nice." I scoffed, of course she was like by Happy I mean she's the perfect child but I want someone different. "Well I don't know Tony I mean the only kid that seemed connected to you was that Y/n girl hell she even looked like you and sounded like you." I mean she seemed to not care if she was picked, you know what I'm gonna call Miss Sanders.


T= Tony

S= Miss Sanders


T: Hi Miss Sanders how are you?
S: Same as when you left ten minutes ago and how are you?
T: Good I just have some question on a particular kid goes by the name Y/N? Can I ask whats her backstory?
S: Well she has been here since she was a baby,left at the hospital, the mother had insisted upon being left alone almost as soon as labor was done, when nurses left and came back she was gone, no one knew who she was so an older nurse named her Y/n and then I was called. Over time I watched Y/n grow up and make friends in the orphanage but they all left, all were adopted never kept contact with her, so I helped her develop skills and she was into technology and robots so I made friends with a scrap junk yard man and he weekly gives her metal bits and she helps around the yard, she's also four years ahead of everyone but refuses to move up so we let her be. And that's Y/n and also reason she said I don't things personal is many people look interested in her but then they pick someone else. Does that answer your question.

T: Another question how fast can you put paper work together to adopt Y/N Miss Sanders?

S: See you soon Tony.



Happy turned the car around and we headed back.
I was getting adopted? It didn't make sense, I was never adopted and surely it wasn't Tony Stark, I mean hr would get someone like the newbie Suzy.  I was stuffing things in my bag, I had a small bag ready for when  whoever adopted me took me back here or tried to. I needed things light so if I ran away it was easy to leave nothing heavy. I heard Miss Sanders call my name and saying my good byes I headed down the stairs.

Tony POV

I saw her coming down the stairs, I was excited, I ended up looking up her records and her blood matches mine so I've set up Bruce to take DNA and see if Y/N is mine.

She looked up at me and she was surprised it was me. I smiled at her and she walked over to Miss Sanders and whispered something to her.


Y/N whispered to Miss Sanders. "Is he adopting me?" Miss Sanders smiled and nodded at Y/N.

Y/N hesitantly walked over to Tony, "Ready when you are" She said to him

"Alright lets go Y/N"
Bruce did the testing and discovered that Y/N is Tony's daughter.

She didn't disappear in the snap and she met Morgan, Morgan was one of the last few pieces of her dad. Much like her father Y/N took over Stark company when time came and became famous like her dad and she married Peter Parker and became an avenger.  

Y/N went from being an orphan to being a successful business woman.  

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