leaving for college parent preference

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havent done a preference in  a hot minute, so I know for americans and maybe some other countries, i know rn might be the time you're starting to pack up and go to college so i wish you good luck and this preference is for you. Also Thor Loki and Peter quill won't be included in this.


"Ok kiddo, got your suit case, got your wall stuff, got your devices?" Your dad looked around to make sure Pepper wasnt listening. "Got your portable suit?"

You grinned. "I'm gonna be fine dad don't worry, I'll try and call as much as I can." You could see the tears welling up in your dad's eyes. This moment was special for you both, he little shadow all grown up and going to college.

"Ok dad I gotta go now and start unpacking in my room." Tony nodded, he had imagined this moment before, but he always imagined more tears and you being a lot closer to home, not on the other side of the country.

"Yep go show them what being a Stark means kiddo."


"Uhh so all your boxes are in the thing, I put a spare charger in the front, well I guess this it."

You smiled at your dad, it had been just you too for awhile. And well going off to college meant your dad was on his own now. "I'll text you every few hours to let you know I'm safe and if there are any issues I'll call you instantly."

You walked over and wrapped your arms around your dad. "I'll call you every weekend."

"Now remember if anyone gives you hell just bring out your dagger." You giggled as your mum handed over your dagger.
"Mum I don't need that." She pouted but put it away.
She stood there awkwardly, your mum admired the little girl she thought she'd never have, her little miracle baby. "Well I'm only a phone call away okay?" You nodded and hugged your mum.
She has done so much for you
"I'll text you later mom."

Wanda (she'll be your sister in this)
She had stepped up and taken role of parent after yours died.
And now here she stood fighting back tears watching her sibling grow up and go to college to do great things.
"Wanda I'll be fine don't worry." She chuckled at you. It was hard for Wanda to admit but you didn't need her anymore.
"Ok ok just one more hug and we'll let you go."  You gave Wanda a rib breaking hug as she cried softly. You didn't want to admit but you knew that when she left you'd probably shed a few tears.
"I'll call you later, I'll try and text as much as I can."
Wanda waved at you from the car as she drove off with Natasha. She knew greater things were awaiting you in the future and she couldn't wait to be there every step of the way.
"We'll I guess this is it." Your dad stood in the doorway of your new dorm room. He had helped with setting everything up. He smiled at you. "I'm proud of you kiddo, you've come so far in your lifetime." You walked over and hugged your dad.
You knew it would happen one day, the day you'd be separate from one another when you left home but it never made it easy.
"I love you dad."
"I love you too kiddo."

Deciding to follow in your dads footsteps you wanted to become apart of the medical world becoming a nurse.
You stood in your new dorm. Your dad looked normal for once as he looked around your room. Photos from your childhood, photos of your teenage years, photos to inspire you to keep up the work.
"Just know that I believe in you."
You turned and looked at your dad smiling. "Just know I'm always a portal away, I love you kid and I know you'll go far."
An embrace was very much needed, you knew this would be one of the last times you'd be able to hug him for a while, you inhaled his scent. You'd miss him like crazy but like your dad said he was only a portal away.

Peter Parker (in this your his sister)
You had been through the whole saying goodbye because your brother had gone off to college but he was a lot closer than you were.
You had been accepted across the country on a scholarship with economics (or choose what you like) and well now it felt weird. You were the one moving away.
Peter brought in another box as you unpacked another. "Just put it there please Pete."
He nodded and followed your request.
"I'm proud of you sis, you've come far and now here you ready for college."
You smiled, you had been through so mcu be itv your brother and now here you are about to embark on your own.
You hugged your brother letting out a few tears. This moment was so perfect, to both of you it was the ending of something and the beginning of something else
For parents it was a special moment for their first born child to go to college. They had lost so much sleep and money, spent a lot of time taking the child to school, helping with their homework. For Clint and Laura it was that case for them. They had left their youngest at home as they helped their eldest child move across country to their new home.
"Ok you got everything sweetie?" Your mum held a look of worry in her eyes. You smiled and nodded as you hung up your favourite photo of the family.
"You all set for your classes in a few days?"
"We'll i guess that's all left is to say goodbye."
"Bye mum, bye dad."
You all embraced one another before you watched your parents drive away.
It felt weird, you and spent time always with other people or another person but now you were alone.

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