Introduction/stuff before story begins

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Hello everyone thank u for giving this book a read it makes me super duper happy that u seem interested.Hope  this story makes ur quench for love and such as come  to life
Now getting back to the story
2 girls that go to the same school falling in love with each other but the other doesn't know
The first girl is obv lesbian her friend doesn't know that
They also hang out frequently there's other characters but those aren't  important for now :)
They secretly wanna get together but are both scared of rejection due to many accounts
And the second is bi but still in the closet
There in middle/high school Ish
This story is gonna have a lot I mean a lot  of chapters I'm gonna probably focus on this story for now and take a tiny break off the story's I've been working in anyways enjoy next chapter might come out tomorrow or tomorrow night byeeeee

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