The realization

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*I then go to my next class seeing my best friend come up to me I then put my stuff on my desk and let her talk to me*

Pheonix:sooo I did something
Dakota:what did u you do?
Pheonix: I punched max
Phoenix:jeez I thought u were gonna be happy since what he did earlier
Dakota:yea...but is he okay tho?
Phoenix:Man U really do care about him yea I guess he's fine I'm going to my desk before I get in trouble
*she walks to her desk*
*the teacher hands erm all work sheets*

*little later max walks in with ice for his bruise *
Dakota:*looks over * oh my god.. he looks so hurt I need to go talk to him after class *

*after class*

* Dakota runs up to to max *
Dakota:m-max *she places hand on shoulder* u okay
Max:*shrugs* why are u here i thought u were mad at me and didn't u hate me
Dakota:I'm sorry for saying that it's just I'm stressed out today ever since I tried to confess my love to you and since me and Alena are taking a break pretty sure she's cheating on me

Max:it's okay..and hey I'm sorry for getting mad at you too it's just I'm stressed too and couldn't sleep at all last night

*they both hug*

Max:you know maybe it would be alright if we did date..
Max:yea maybe it would be alright and plus it looks like u really need someone *smiles*
Dakota:*places head on shoulder* yes maybe it won't be bad

*they both hug and lay on the rooftop of maxes house*

-hey eveyone yeah..I know it's been alonggg time
Before I posted anyways I took a break from wattpad and never used it anyways I'm black on the app and here to make more stories for my amazing people ^^ 💕stay warm my lovely

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