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Phoenix got the call from a special someone and wile me and Kyle were making out we hered her screaming yes yes yes frantically
She comes back down
And yells


We both were excited and cheering for her

"That's so awesome I'm happy for you"
"Yay I kinda knew you too we're gonna get together"

Later the sun was setting wile me and Kyle just talked mostly

"So now that we're together what are your plans for next year"

*lights up cigarette*

"I don't know maybe screw around heh you know"

We both come close to each other with my cigarette in my hand and the other empty are hands come close he puts his hand on my end and I put mine on his shoulder. He pulls me closer and places his lips on mine tasting his cherry cigar

"I love you. Your mine forever Dakota"

"Your mine forever too. Even when we're dead in the ground"

It got dark and the night ended

The next day was intense
Also collet came back this was her first day back and everyone was all around me and Kyle asking us stupid questions

"Oh my god Kyle u have a girlfriend"
"So it's true!"
"Did you guys and are you guys seriously a thing?!"

All the dumb questions and we both ignored it and went to our class meeting Phoenix her and Cole were making out before class like a couple of bad kids  but no seriously they both looked like the bad couple to rob a hot topic honestly

Then class was over I had some guys eying me I was about to throw my finger at them but lately I've been calm ever since me and Kyle got together so weird

"Hey Kyle you wanna know something"

As we're both by our lockers

"Hm? Oh yea sure what's up"

"Ever since I got with you my anger issues kinda went away and I'm much more nicer? Weird right"

"Oh wow that's crazy! But that's good though just make sure to also not let anyone walk on you"

As he patted me on my shoulder I blushed god I need to calm that down

Brisk comes up to me wearing the skimpiest outfit ever. She was wearing a ripped crop top that ALMOST showed her bra and her shorts were as ripped to the point everyone could see her ass I mean wow kinda looking like a h-


I got lost in my train of thought so I spilt something out

"Well obviously I'm quiet unlike an obnoxious hoe like you"

Uhm oh shit did I really just say that


Bell rings

She just walks off with her cocky attitude

Anyways let's skip to lunch

I sat with Kyle eating my lunch when all of a sudden collet comes up to me in tears

"M-me and -j-jazz broke up"

As she bursted into tears

Oh god why am I in the middle of this
I don't know what to say?

"Okay and collet can't you see me and my girlfriend are trying to eat our lunch without being bombarded by some petty girl crying."

Oh my god. He said that

Her face was so dark probably because he just called me his girlfriend my face was so red I hid my face in my sleeve


He gets up and comes near her

"Yeah! You hered me I said girlfriend and if u have a problem then you can just go back to ur seat and cry you cry baby. This was your fault if u didn't do something ur girlfriend didn't like then it's none of our problems"

She just started crying even more

"Yea by the way collet I'm done with ur petty lies I've been done with you since my best friend beat the shit out of you"

"Wow I'm impressed babe"

I felt powerful after I said that and seeing her face crying even more she was speechless and just walked slowly to her seat

Me and Kyle just sat down and talked about ours day

"So what are you doing babe after school"

"Uhm I don't know probably hanging at the park listening to music and skateboarding"

"Oh sweet I could see if I'm not busy and I could get my skateboard from my garage and we can totally skateboard together. How does that sound?"

"Yea sounds good"

Also we didn't really see Phoenix nor Cole at all during lunch they've been acting weird lately

After school

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