The truth

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*after lunch*

Alena and Phoenix go and see Dakota since there's a study hall*

Alena:I'm so stupid I hope she'll forgive me
Phoenix:I think she will I mean she really did like u
Alena:yea *she sighs *

*they get to the nurses room*

Nurse:hey Dakota u have visitors
Dakota:o-okay bring erm in

*the nurse brings erm in*

Alena:..*is anxious* d..Dakota I-
Phoenix: hey Dakota Alena needs to talk to you also please listen to her
Dakota:f..fine only for u Phoenix
Alena:I need u to listen to me okay
Alena:okay..*tears start to peak out* I'm sorry that I made u cry the truth is I actually don't have a boyfriend *she places her hand on top of Dakota's* I actually like u *tears stream down face*
Dakota:*is speechless* I-I- *she then starts crying* b-but why did u say to me u had a boyfriend..
Alena:because I didn't know what to say and that boy next to me was just some dude I was trying to get closer to the line
Dakota:oh.. well there's something I've been meaning to say to u too..for
Alena: what is it..
Dakota:I..really have a huge crush on you too..I was gonna confess them to you but that happened.. *starts crying*

* Alena notices and hugs her*
Alena:.. Dakota I I love you much words can't explain how much u mean to me.. sometimes I wonder what it would look like in the future I want to have my future with you..u make me the happiest sometimes there's roadblocks but we can get thru them..*she puts her hands in a cup shape on her chin and she looks in her beautiful hazel eyes *

Dakota:*she then looks into her blue ocean eyes* *u could easily get lost in erm* u too..

*they both put there heads together and hug*
Phoenix:I'm so happy for u both u guys are such a cute ship and couple anyways  i have to get to class see u guys later

*after class*

*Alena picks up Dakota from the nurses and they hang out at the park with Phoenix and max *

Max:so u guys a couple thing now?
Alena:yes? Why?
Max:*sighs* oh uhm never mind
Alena:eh alright
* Dakotas on her phone as usual and Alena is eating snacks*
Phoenix:hey how come u guys haven't kissed yet?
Alena:*is blushing* uhmmmm we're taking it slow
Dakota:*is still on phone * oh hm? Because we would rather take it slow then all Willy nilly
Alena:uhh yea what she said
*max feeling jealous*
Alena:uhhh max u okay you've been sighing a lot?
Max:oh? Yup I'm fine doing just great
Alena:alright *she then looks over at Dakota*
Dakota:*looks up* hmm?
Alena:*smiles* ur so cute when ur focused
Dakota:*starts blushing a little bit* ur so cute when ur in my lap*she smirks*
Alena:uuuh haha *she sees Dakota smirking at her* *she looks at her and jumps in her lap making them both fall over*

*they both laugh*

*Dakota  at the bottom and Alena at the top*

*they both start blushing and smirking at each other*
Alena:haha uh this wasn't my plain?
Dakota: actually yes it was I can see it in ur eyes but my my my Alena in public? I thought u wanted to take it slow ahah
Alena:UhHhHh *she can't even talk she's so speechless*

*they both look into each other's eyes and start laughing *
* Phoenix is on her phone and max looks hurt*
Max:guys..I'm gonna go home

*Alena and Dakota both get up and they hear him*
Alena:oh uhm okay Dakota I guess u do you
Max:mhm see u later
* Phoenix then notices max getting up and leaving she then follows him*
Phoenix:hey guys I'm gonna go talk to him I'll be back
Alena and Dakota: uhH okay
*she then heads off to talk to him*

*Alena watches tiktok and shares with Dakota as Alena is laying in Dakota's lap*

* Phoenix gets close to wear max is *

Phoenix:*she then yells his name* MAX!

-to be continued-

Hey everyone I'm very very sorry this story tooook a long hiatus and I'm sorry school been crazy and didn't really have ideas for this story I was just gonna discontinue it but then I'm like nah
Anyways hope u enjoyed this chapter let me
Know if u liked it or not byeee

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