Ur face looks familer..

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* Finally a chapter that is new anyways this takes place at school wear Dakota is at her locker with Alena and max is at his locker too*

Max:*Remembers what happened last week * ew
Dakota:ur so precious Alena *smiles*
Alena:Aw no that's u sweet heart *flirts*

*bell rings *

Dakota:well I gotta go to class see ya later cutie
Alena:see u later
Max:*looks at Dakota*
Dakota:*noictes* uhm *rubs neck* *goes to her class*
Max:she still has that awkward face with me *sighs* it will never be the same *he gets his folder and closes his locker*

*in class*

Mrs.mitten: alright class we're gonna be working on a project and I'm assigning partners because last project u guys barely did anything except socialize *rolls eyes * anyways
Phoenix and Jamie
Rylee and Ashton
*after she's done with the background names*
And max and Dakota

Dakota's pov:

WAIT! Did she just say m-max no nonono I've been ignoring him for a reason and now I have to be partners with him *face palms*

Out of POV

Maxes pov:
Uhm that was weird I thought I just hered ms mittens say me and Dakota as partners WAIT! She did oh crap this isn't gonna do good me and Dakota haven't even talked we're not even close like we used to well this is gonna be fun

*everyone goes to their partners *

Max:uhm so Dakota u wanna go first
Dakota:*doesn't say anything*
Max:heh uhm okay I'll do it *writes down some words*
Dakota:*says quietly * why did I have to be stuck being partners with you*
Max:*hears her* *face goes dark a little bit* I..I don't know
Dakota:*tear sheds from eye*
Max:*sees* uhm Dakota are u alright ?
Dakota:*voice cracks a little bit* y-yea

Dakota's pov
No no no I'm absolutely not why why is it every time I'm partners with max old memories come up and I start tearing up
*out of pov*

Max:hey ..Dakota
Max:w-what ever happened to ..us?
Dakota:*face darkens* I-I don't know I guess we didn't talk ever since I

Max: got with Alena..


Max:you know *sighs* it's been hard since
Dakota:since what ?
Max:since u and Alena got together..
Dakota:yea wanna know something weird
Dakota:every time I'm around you or like partners with u I have dark memories with u and the memories make me cry.one of the memories we're when u and me hung out together and I confessed my feelings to you..
Max:..thats super inconvenient because the same thing happens to me
Dakota:what do you mean?
Max:the same memory pops up in my head.. I don't know if it's a sign..*sighs* I guess that was when we started dating

Dakota:*bursts into tear* *none responsive*
Max:DAKOTA *Tries to help her*
Dakota:*runs to the bathroom without telling the teacher *
Max:..Dakota *feels bad*

*pheonix notices * and she sees max and asks him what happened*

Max:I-I don't know honestly
Phoenix :something must of set her off
Max:..I think it was me..
Phoenix:how do you know
Max:because this is weird but every time me and Dakota hang out or I don't know together this memory pops up in our heads
Phoenix:wow that's freaky
Max:yea and it only happens when I'm around or with Dakota
Phoenix:..yea that's weird

I think I might know what it means

Max: it's a sign that we -

*to be continued *

Hey everyone hope u enjoyed this one it was good anyways lol I have to go to bed bc ya know school and don't worry if y'all are waiting for a new chapter from my iz story I'm working on it I just like making chapters for this one so yea enjoy and don't forget to hit the star thing 💕

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