Truth or DRINK!!

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We all got together as axel was getting ready too I look over at Eva as she placed her head on my chest I smiled as axel was saying the rules "so if any of you don't do the dare or truth u have to drink. Now the rules seem easy" we all started "uhm by the way this better not hurt anyone" I nodded as Eva was on her phone. Axel shook his head "the only thing that's gonna hurt are probably are stomach" he laughs I rolled my eyes as we all started- axel asked me "truth or dare" I wasn't a pussy so I said "dare!". "So I dare YOU to say who ur In love with" it sounded so lame but I got up all proudly an said "Ev- until someone came in the room and I kid you not I couldn't believe it.



I got up and smacked Samantha in the face and yelled at her "IM NOT IN LOVE WITH YOU.CAN'T YOU SEE THAT" as she started to cry I was at her apartment since they let me go. I was acting fine after that I was in the kitchen with Samantha trying to get a drink as she was right by me trying to kiss up on me "oh I love you max" I was kinda fed up with her "do you NOT even care what you did with DAKOTA!" She didn't buy it as she pushed me to the wall and pinned me there with a mean look on her face "so what? And I thought u didn't even love her huh?". I had the strength to push her back and so I did "SAMNTHA LET ME GO!" I got my stuff and left before I Could and slammed the door. As she fell to the floor


Everyone was all shocked as I was I couldn't even believe it. It was Max and he was standing right in front of the door as I was almost about to say the person had a crush on."Max What are you doing here?" Everyone all started looking at me and him."Dakota who is he And how do you know him?" Axel said Max brushed himself off. He said that "I was A friend of his". Or that's what he did to cover it up. But I knew damn well who he was. And why he was here I looked up at everyone and said that me and Max needed to talk privately and she'll be back. As I pulled this arm aside and went into the bathroom to talk to him. "What the hell are you doing here?" As I said with my arms folding together. He took a deep breath and said"I escaped my crazy girlfriend. Friend And I had to look for you. And luckily I had a feeling I knew where you were." I still didn't and couldn't believe that he's here. And why was he here? Was it because of me? Yes. I left him because I couldn't take him anymore. He fucking cheated on me. I look back at him after he said that. "But why are you here though? Are you here to take me home? Because if that's what you're doing then I don't wanna go." He puts his arms on my shoulder and almost leans in for a kiss. He said in a low whispery voice. "I came here because I all I needed was you. And that I love you, Dakota." I could easily smell a whiskey from his voice and his lips. I pushed him off. And walked out and slam the door right behind him. 

After that, I came back to the couch. People didn't really ask but Eva was looking at me in a look. "I'm so very sorry about that guys. Let's continue the game." As I was smiling trying to hide the Look, I had on my face. I didn't really know what to do after Max said those words to me. I went into a shock and just left him in the bathroom. Together with his thoughts. And possibly get sobered up. While we're playing the game. I was drinking a lot. And so the others. Then Eva will ask me a dare cuz it was my turn and I wasn't a pussy so I said dare."I dare you to kiss me." Look, they had on their face and my face flushed red. Everybody was all Ohhh and ahh I was pretty drunk so I did it. I went up to their face and kissed them. And honestly It lasted for a good 2 minutes. We both get done swabbing Saliva as everyone was looking. eva's face was really red after that happened. And I guess my face was really red too. One of my friends of the group was joking and Saying get a room You two. As we all laughed. As it was starting to get a little bit out of hand, I was feeling a little bit tired. 

I can't believe it. I let her get away. With all my thoughts and love. And why the fuck did I come all the way here just to say that? I don't know. I guess that's what love does. I'm so glad Sydney hasn't called me. I know it was a bad idea to do that but I just couldn't control anymore. I was tired of her claiming her as mine. but holy shit my head hurt so much. It's just throbbing. I shouldn't have drinked before I left. I feel like I should probably go but I can't. My feet are glued to the floor. And my face is full of tears. I don't know what to do. I guess I'll just pass out on the bathroom for the night and then leave before everyone gets up. And maybe just get the fuck out of here. If I can't renegotiate with Dakota. Then what's the point? Plus, if that does happen. I can just leave Sydney here. Cuz don't they have a car? 


I started to get a little bit tired as I looked over at Eva. We're all drinking and having fun. I smiled  at her and they smiled back at me. "You getting tired?" They looked over and leaned by me. I smiled As I looked into their lips. Everybody was kind of getting tired and one of our friends were passed out on the couch. Got up and picked me up. Bridal style. And walked me to the room. Saying good night to everybody and we'll see you then in the morning. I smile. Wile Eva's kissing my cheek."I can tell you had a little bit of too much. Cuz of how clingy you are right now." They laughed cutely. I smiled and said in a drunk voice. "Yeah, I know" As she brought me into a room and placed me onto her bed. And got on top of me and started to kiss me slowly. I started to kiss some more too. And then the kissing turned into making out. After a very good sloppy Make out session. They gave me a kiss on the forehead. And before they went to bed, they placed. a ibruprofien Near the night stand and a glass of water. For For the next day.  She got into bed. Wearing just their bra and boxers. And got into the covers. As I rolled over and wrapped my arms around them. Axel said in a low voice "Hey, what happened in there in the bathroom if you don't mind me asking sweetheart. Thankfully, I could remember some things. I was just very drunk. "Max My ex that cheated on me. Came here To, I guess. Take me back And want me back into their life. After I refused. They pretty much had Their arms around me and almost leaned in for a kiss." Eva felt bad and leaned in for it to hold me closer."I'm so sorry that happened to you. You should have told me before then and I could've came over. And make sure you're okay and if he didn't put his hands on you" I nodded "Yeah, I could tell they were drinking. Because their eyes were all wonky." As I was almost start to doze off. She gave me one more kiss and cuddled me to sleep.

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