Lunch date

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*setting takes place at lockers in school*

*Alena is at her locker and looking at Dakota**because there lockers are next to Each other *

Alena's POV

Oh Dakota is so damn cute her glasses are so pretty her smile the way her hair flows and glows in the sun *she then day dreams*

Out of POV

Max "so Dakota how was ur weekend" Dakota" my weekend was fine thanks for asking now if u excuse me i must go talk to my girlfriend" max" oh..okay"
*sad look on maxes face appears*
Dakota:*walks near Alena's locker* hey Alena *smiles*

Alena:*she then gets out of her day dreamed*
Oh uhmmmm hey kota wow ur so pretty nice flannel *blushes*

Dakota:*smiles* oh Alena ur so adorable I love U *hugs Alena*

* Alena then feels her warmth and start blushing even more*

Max:ugh *sighs* I really thought she would've wanted me instead of her..

Phoenix:*closes her locker* well what are you gonna do about it max u can't just tear them apart

*max then comes up with a brilliant idea that he thinks is gonna work but isn't*

Max:oh ur so right lovely lovely Phoenix
Phoenix:Uhhhhh why did u call me lovely bro?
Max:no reason
Phoenix:*playfully punches him* ur not in love with me max are you ?*laughs*
Max:uh? Uhm n-nope why would I and ow that kinda hurt
Phoenix:oh don't be such a big cry baby max*walks to her class*
Max:*closes locker* Hey! Wait for me *follows her*


Alena:*blushes* hey kota
Dakota:yea Lena

Alena:wanna maybe go out on a lunch date
Dakota:hm ?

Alena:you know wanna sit with me for lunch and have lunch together?

Dakota:oooooh okay I understand now and sure

Alena:great well I have to get to my next class I'll see u later cutie *waves bye* *blow hers a kiss*

Alena:*catches the kiss* *smiles* oh sweet sweet kota why do u have to be so cute and love me *she goes to her next class*

*in science with Dakota, max, and Phoenix,*

Teacher:blah blah blah chemistry

Dakota's pov:
Man when will this class be over with I'm so tired and just wanna be with Alena  also why is max looking at me like he wants to -

*the teacher calls on Dakota*

Mr.baker so Dakota answer the science question
*Dakota then gets nervous and starts sweating*

Dakota:uhhhh- uhhmmmmmmm *in her head* SHIT SHIT DHIT WHAT DO I SAYYY*

Max:oh uhh I'll help her mr baker
Mr baker. Yes that would be lovely
Max:it's glucose
Mr baker:that's right

Dakota's pov
Wow that's super weird but uhhh now he's smiling at me oh god I WANNNA GET OUT OF JERE  well the time says 2 more minuets of this shitty class thank god

Max's pov
Yes I think my plains working I'll finally have her again yes yes curse you Alena for stealing my girl

*the bells rings*

Mr. Baker: now class is dismissed
Dakota:thankkkk god *says quietly*

*as soon as Dakota gets up from her seat max greats her*

*everyone except max and Dakota are out by their lockers*

Max:hey Dakota we're u okay U didn't look so good *holds her hand*

Dakota:uhm max go away I really need to get too 
Alena right now *she tries to get away from him* *she lets go of Max's hand*

*at the lockers*

Max:*is frustrated * UGH I thought this stupid plain was going good
* dakota then sees Alena and runs up to her*
Dakota:sooooo her Lena
Alena:hey kota *smiles*
Dakota:sooo wanna head down to lunch
Alena:sure let me get my stuff for my next class first
Phoenix:*walks up to max* oh max just give it a break she'll never like you but hey u have another option
Max:*thinks* oh god no not Ryle she's to self centered
Phoenix:*face palms* what ever let's just go to lunch *she then grabs maxes hand and goes to the lunch room*

*at the lunch room*

*Alena and Dakota are in the line*
Max:uhm Phoenix why did u grab my hand
Phoenix: u were annoying me so i dunno?
Max:well what ever
Phoenix:why do you even care about Dakota anyway *shrugs* she's so out of ur league
Max:*shrugs* I really can't answer that question

*after waiting in line they sit at their seat*

Alena:oh Dakota this is so adorable
Dakota:what is?
Alena:oh the fact that I'm sitting next to you and having lunch with you I've always wanted to do this
Dakota:*blushes* Aw really well I'm glad ur having it with me *smiles*
*they eat their lunch and talk*

*max is sitting next to Phoenix*
Max:why do they look so perfect together?
Phoenix:I don't know but like can u politely shut up and eat ur lunch ?
Max:uhm? Wow! That's kinda rude even unlike u to say Phoenix
Phoenix:what ever
Max:*feels bad*
*max then tries to brush off what Phoenix said but doesn't *

*w and Dakota are just eating and taking*

Dakota:*smiles* ur so beautiful
Alena: nuhuh u are
Dakota:what! Nahhh ur the most adorable little cutie their is in here
*they both blush*

*bell rings and everyone gets up and goes out of the lunch room*

*wile doing that max and Phoenix are next to each other and Alena and Dakota are in front of them*

Alena:that was wonderful I'm glad I came up with that idea *smiles*
Dakota:yes it was a wonderful idea Lena

*max and Phoenix are talking about what just happened in the lunch room*

Max:are u on ur period or something ?
Phoenix:no it's not that it's just I-

Max:you what?

*before Phoenix could finish max sees Alena and Dakota kissing on the lips *

*before that happened*

Alena:hey Kota
*they both look into each other's eyes *
*they both go into a kiss*
*there both blushing*

* after that happened*

*max gets mad then throws his books for class on the ground and storms upstairs to his class*
Phoenix:*looks over* awwww

*to be continued*

Hey Luvs hope u enjoyed this chapter I made this before bed anyways enjoy this beautiful chapter also lmk what u liked in the chapter don't forget to vote on this and comment luvey byeee!

Also HOLY CRAP 1065 words :::0

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