Memories in the past

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*this story takes place couple years ago this was when Alena had a bf and Dakota was single *

*setting 1 year back *
* place at school*

Alena:*is by her locker getting something *
*this guy comes up to her*
Alena:uhm ? Hello?
Ash:hey ur cute
Alena:UhhM *blushes*
Ash:ya ur a cutie
* ash flirting with her all of a sudden Dakota  runs up to her seeing her flustered *
Dakota: HEY!
Ash:*startled* h-hi
Dakota:what u doing are u seriously trying to pick her up?
Ash:no uhm I like her
* Dakota and ash: *gasp* OH MY GOD
Dakota:shit shit shit!
Ash:uhm I'm so sorry I didn't mean to-
Dakota:look it's fine just don't startle her again *helps her up*
Alena:*waking up a little * huh? Oh Heyy Kota
Dakota:thank god ur okay *hugs tightly*
Alena :*smiles* of course I'm okay why wouldn't I be
Dakota:uhh never mind
Ash:uhm hey Alena
Ash:can you? Uhm meet me outside by the park after school
Ash:okay uhh see u later *runs to class*
Alena:*closes locker* wellll that was weird
Dakota:for sure hey we should get to class you know how mr Williams is
*they both walk to class*

*after school*

*Alena is sitting outside by the playground waiting for ash *
*ash then arrives*

Ash:*running out of breath* hey! Sorry I'm late I had to do extra work for mrs Simmons
Alena:oh it's okay!
Alena:sooo what did u wanna ask me and tell me?
Ash:welllll uhm? Don't be weird out but uhm I like you.
Ash:uh yea
Alena:well I like u too
Ash:wait really
Alena:yup *smiles*
Ash:oh that's great
Alena:hehe wanna go out with each other

*from that moment on Alena and ash we're together. Dakota found out but wasn't too thrilled*

*scene takes place at ashes house he was having a party everyone was invited *

Alena:I'm superrrr excited for this Kota
Dakota:muffles yea I guess I am too
Alena:oh come onnn stop being such a grumpy kitten
Dakota:ughhh fine if it makes u happy then Here *puts on fake smile* thereee
Alena:that's better

*Alena puts on her outfit she's wearing*
*here's her outfit*

Dakota: you looks pretty damn cute Alena:thanks *smiles*Dakota:ya *smikes* * Dakota puts her outfit on*

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Dakota: you looks pretty damn cute
Alena:thanks *smiles*
Dakota:ya *smikes*
* Dakota puts her outfit on*

*alena blushes*Dakota:whattttAlena:uhhhh nothing Dakota: lol okay*they both head to the party **Alena is greeted by ash and his friends*Ash:hey cutie Alena:*blushes*hey *Alena and him go to the dance floor and starts dancing *Ash:*puts his hands o...

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*alena blushes*
Alena:uhhhh nothing
Dakota: lol okay
*they both head to the party *
*Alena is greeted by ash and his friends*
Ash:hey cutie
*Alena and him go to the dance floor and starts dancing *
Ash:*puts his hands on Alena's shoulders*
Alena:* smiling*
*slowed song comes on*
Ash:*he then suddenly pulls Alena in for a kiss *
Alena:*blushing hard*
Ash:*they both start softly kissing*
*Dakota goes up to erm and starts to get jealous*
*Dakota then runs to the bathroom*
*later Alena is by the punch table but doesn't see ash in sight*
Alena:hm I wonder wear he is
Dakota:then comes running out of nowhere to Alena *
Alena:oh hey Kota how's the party
Dakota:.. hey Alena can I talk to u outside on the deck
Alena:hm? Sure
*Dakota then takes Alena's hand and goes to the deck*
Alena:Sooo what did U wanna tell me
Dakota: ugh I can't keep this from u anymore..
Alena:hey? What's wrong u okay Kota *is worried*
Dakota:Alena I-I Saw Jenna and ash..kissing *starts crying*
Alena:...really *her face then became a sad looking face*
Dakota:..*starts crying and hugging Alena* I'm so fucking sorry
Alena:I-it's okay *tears falls down face* ..I should've known better
Dakota:.. he was a stupid jerk anyways..
Alena:*sniffles* yea I know but he seemed nice and I could trust him
Dakota:*wipes Alena's tears* hey u know what let's ditch this crummy party and order pizza at my house and watch movies and have our own little party *smiles*
Alena:*squeals excitedly* EEEEEEEEK!  yesss that sounds better but before we leave can I get revenge on him really quick
Dakota:hmm okayyy
Alena:lol thank you *goes near the bathroom wear ash and Jenna are
Ash:*then suddenly sees her* oh shit!
Jenna:*gasps what-
Alena:oh hey ashhh
Ash:uH uhh uh
Jenna: ash who is this girl that's calling you ash ?
Ash: n-nothing
Alena:hey uhm Jenna just to let you know ash has aids and can give you erm SOO I'd be careful just a heads up also ash we're over sweeties bye chowww hope u treat her like shit *walks off without ash saying a word leaving him speechless*
ash:*just speechless not doing anything*
Jenna:smacks him and walks off*
Dakota:sooo how'd it went
Alena:oh it went good than I thought
Alena:I'll tell u wile we're walking to ur place.
Dakota:oh okay also does ur mom know ur staying with me tonight?
Alena:yea she doesn't mind
*they both walked to Dakota's house*
Dakota:okayy now that was crazier than I expected *laughs*
Alena:yea then I left him speechless*
Dakota:lol anyways ready to watch the movie
Alena:YEESSS *laughs*
Dakota:lol lol okay

*they both cuddled with each other wile eating snacks and watched cute girl x girl Romantic movies they both soon fell asleep in each other's arms *

*heyyyy guys I hope u enjoyed this chapter it was quite long but I liked this anyways please enjoy this and let me know what you think of this one let me know if u want longer chapters or shorter chapters anyways that's it for now byeee 💜

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*heyyyy guys I hope u enjoyed this chapter it was quite long but I liked this anyways please enjoy this and let me know what you think of this one let me know if u want longer chapters or shorter chapters anyways that's it for now byeee 💜

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