the truth

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The next morning, I woke up next to Eva as my head was pounding and pounding. Into my surprise. She was sleeping. Which she looks so adorable when she's sleeping. I don't really know what really happened last night. So I look over my nightstand and take the ibuprofen and take a sip of the water. As I got up, I decided to head to the bathroom. Wash my face I realized it was still early so everyone else was still asleep or At work. As I walked into the bathroom, I looked to my surprise. And I seen Max. He still looked pretty out of it. But I was wondering why the hell was he still here? I didn't dare to wake him up. So I did my thing. And left the room. Before I did, I could hear him waking up."Dakota wait" I hesitated I waited in there. With my arms crossed and looking at him."What is it, Max?" "Can we please talk? I need to Straighten things out. And we need to. Talk" I rolled my eyes. And toke a deep breath. "Why do we need to talk? I already know what's been happening behind my back. And honestly I could care less. But why of all people? You came to see me last night. And yeah, I heard the stupid voicemail. I could care less." He knew exactly what I did. Yeah, I slept with a girl. So what? He slept with his friend. Get back at him, I guess. "Because that wasn't me. And I know you know that. I was drunk that night. And I didn't know where my belongings were. And I guess I ended up in Sydney's room. I'm sorry Dakota." I don't know if I wanted to stop talking or just leave the bathroom. "Okay and I like this life I like the life that I just started. And I'd rather You and be here and said I've met such a really beautiful girl and honestly she's the love of my life. So Max, you can go back to Sydneys and Leave" After that, I left the bathroom. And headed into the kitchen to make something to eat.


I could say anything. She left. It's my fault. Honestly. Maybe I should just go and leave. But I am not going back to Sydney's. I'd rather have her think I died or got killed in a car crash or something.


After I got done making French toast. I came in to my girlfriend's room. And gave her her share. She woke up a little bit and said good morning babe. And I said good morning to her too. I then sat back in bed next to her and we both ate our toest while watching some comedy on Netflix. "This is really good toast, babe." I smiled and said thank you. After that, we just sat in bed. And just watched. TV and cuddled. She then asked me about Max. And if he were still here or not.And "I straight up told him that I did not wanna leave and that I liked it here and you can go back to his dumb whore." She then give me a kiss and smiled."I'm glad you made your decision and I would rather have you here. Instead of there. Plus You can go to school here. If you want to. And you can have this beautiful life. Plus, you can also see me too." She giggled and I agreed. I never knew this little dumb vacation waving into this. But I didn't really mind it honestly. I like it here Plus, I have a really beautiful girlfriend. That I like a lot.


I decided to finally leave the apartment. And got back into my car and started to turn it on. Having my mind racing wondering what I'm gonna do, And possibly tell her I'm leaving for good. And if she wants to go with me, she can. Wait, What am I thinking? I don't want her to go with me. She's psycho as hell. But I decided to Drive a little bit and stop at a Mcdonald's to get breakfast. And then headed back to The apartment that I guess I was staying at because they didn't know where to take me.But Sydney went so crazy. I don't know what has gone into her but I don't like it at all. But I decided to stop at her place and see if she was there. And she was. I took a deep deep breath in and and went inside. And there she was. On the couch. Having her Daily wine She looks straight at me. And the anger she had on her face. And how she got up so fast. and looked like she was about to kill me. "Max, get out." I knew this was a bad idea to even come over to her house. But I did it anyways."Look sydney I'm leaving Possibly forever And this will be the last day. You can see me. If you want. You can go with me. And we can move somewhere far away." She was shocked. But She was wondering why or where I went after I left."This is some kind of trap I know you're in love and madly in love with Dakota. But she doesn't want you. You can have me. But I see that you probably went and slept with her last night. To relieve your stress. And I'm not a big fan of liars. So you can leave this house. And better yet delete my contacts. It's over." I really want to straighten things out with her but You know, women. I tried to say. Negotiate something with her. But it didn't work like I wanted it to."Sydney, That did not happen. Yes, I went. Somewhere where she was. And I tried talking to like a civil person. Yeah. I had a few drinks that night. I was pretty ticked off. And she gives me her side of the story. Saying she didn't want me anymore. And she didn't care where I went from there.And so that's when I said fuck it. And got up and left." And then that's when I seen it. That psychopathic look and smile she had on her face."Oh, my sweet Max. I knew you always loved me. And finally We don't have her in our life." But did I honestly want her? I don't know. I just wanted to clear things up. Maybe leave Maybe go back to my hometown. I don't know for sure. "I think you might wanna reconsider that. I did try kissing her last night. But It didn't-" Before I could even finish. She threw me on the ground. And pushed me. And started screaming at me."I don't ever wanna see you in my life. Get the fuck out of my house. I don't wanna hear you when your stupid ass ex's stories. God. Why did you even come here? You should've just never came here." And hollering at me and saying words to me."Fine. You know what? I will leave. And I'll never come back. So You have your wish. I'm leaving and I'm never coming back here. This is your last chance. But you fucked it up. Or you probably think I fucked it up." I got up. And she started. Running up to my knees and holding me. And I pushed her off. And said no I'm done. And left the house. Tears form my eyes a little bit. I don't know if it's just a stress or the anxiety or the guilt being lifted off my shoulder. I got in the car. And took a deep breath and laid back in my seat. And I drove off.




I woke up from a nap. But then I realized everyone else was up. As my girlfriend was cuddling me and holding me close. I did not feel like getting up and honestly I didn't. I just stayed in there. And felt happy for once.

So I guess this is home.

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