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The next day it was interesting because I was thinking in my head maybe something crazy will happen

Well it starts when I was by my locker getting my math papers for math today wile doing that Kyle comes up to his locker and asks me something so random

"Hey what do you do when u have a crush on one of ur friends"
Hey asks me

"Uhh well try to get closer to them.and tell them ur interests and what not I'm not really a genie when it comes to questions like this you should know Kyle"

I get my books as I close my locker

"Oh yea uh thanks oh by the way I like ur music taste"

He closes his locker and goes to math
I-that was so random-
But uhm

After math it was history it still sucks Pheonix isn't here ugh can I please be gone I fell asleep during history and woke up when the bell ranged then science I still here rumors about me being spread ugh sometimes I wonder if there wouldn't be a day where I would be talked about or how many guys I've dated I see Kyle there was a unexpected cut on his arm I didn't ask because it didn't really had none of my business

Let's skip to study hall

I come into study hall and sat in my usual corner with my music in my ears blaring writing my story's on my phone wile there was so much chattering and obnoxious noises it almost felt like I wasn't even in the class until Kyle was next to me and put his head on my shoulder I didn't know until I looked over I wanted to ask him if he was okay but I didn't

"Yo Kyle what's up with you"
Issac said

He comes up and sits by me and Kyle he looked at me and saw my eyes watering he then comes closer to me and hugs me I didn't know what to feel

"I'm so sorry if ur feeling this"

I get up and say

"I'm fine leave me and Kyle alone"

He looked shocked but didn't know what to say so he moved away from us and was on his phone

"U know you didn't have to do that Dakota"
"Yea but he was just annoying also can I talk to you Kyle

"Uh yea sure"

"About last night do you actually like me and have legitimate feelings and be honest because I'm really tired of hiding these damn feelings for u"

I slide back down and his face I know he was hiding something

"UHHM well..maybe I do like u Dakota"

He says shyly

"Oh well maybe I like u too"

He just looks at me and his pretty eyes and he just went near me and kissed me?

He was hugging me too

Some people came over and seen

"Ew oh my god why is he kissing a girl like her"
"That's just so gross"

"Oh my god what a freak"

And you know what we both stuck our middle fingers up and said fuck them

They both just walked off because they knew it was stupid to even do something

But why did this feel so nice I mean it felt real and natural

He then Stopped kissing me and that was when I he-red the bell for my next class

He then got up and helped me up and went to class

"Kyle UHHM what was that about just now I mean I'm not mad but like?"

"Let's just say I had balls and did it"

"Oh uhm okay"

So - I guess that happened

Bruh I can't wait to tell Phoenix about this

Let's skip to lunch

I get my lunch and hoping no one was gonna talk about me but sure enough things could get worst

As Kyle was still in line I was eating my sandwich
This one snotty petty looking girl comes up to me with no reason


"Yea so what's ur big deal he wouldn't even date a  dumb blond like u anyway"

She looked like she was gonna snap made me almost laugh
I then she her cracking her knuckles and going in for a punch

I blocked it and her own fist hit her


"I didn't do anything I just basically blocked ur puny little punch and u did that upon ur self"

I then see her run off as bloods pouring from her nose and gossiping to her bratty friends just another dumb blond trying to start fights

Kyle then comes up to sit next to me

"Hey! Sorry I was late line was swamped"

"It's fine it's just you missed something so funny"

"OH!! What?"
"I made some girl hit herself"
"Oh my god that's so funny"
He says

Pretty much we ate lunch and talked
Cole comes up to us asking us something

"Hey do u know when Phoenix gets out of detention?"

"Yea she gets out tomorrow"

"Sounds good because there's something I have to ask her"

"Oh what's that Colt"

"Something but u guys can't know"

He then walks off let's skip to after school

Me Kyle and Phoenix hang out under Kyle bridge

"Oh my god! Phoenix u don't know what happened today"

As I was hitting a vape

"Kyle uhhh kissed me"

Kyles face was redder than a tomato

"U-uhhh yes I did"


"Yes and we practically made out until the bell ranged"

"Wow I didn't know Kyle had balls I'm impressed in you"

As she patted Kyle on the shoulder

She was lighting her cigarette

"Also some girl tried starting a fight with me but she hit herself and gave herself a bloody nose"

We both laughed

"Oh my god I wish I was there must've been funny as hell"

"Yes it definitely was"

"Yeaa so are u and Kyle dating yet?"

Kyle was trying to say something but he said

"Well we'll see tomorrow"

Me and Phoenix looked at him with a look

"Come on Phoenix Kyle's just nervous I bet if it was just me and him he'd totally hard core make out with me"

Unexpectedly I was hitting my vape and lyle came up to me and put one hand on my hand and the other on my shoulder and started making out with me

Phoenix mouth dropped to the bottom and was instantly static

She then gets a phone call from Cole

"Hey guys u gotta take this call I'll be back"

She goes to take the call as me and Kyle we're just having a make out  sesh


We he-red from Phoenix I think I might know what happened but all I care about is this moment

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