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The voices of people are all silent it feels calming I feel relaxed at peace and there's a pretty water fall with a beautiful sunset and it's a pretty view I am sitting in the grass finally feeling peaceful

I then see max come up to me and sits next to me putting his head on my shoulder and asking me "are you better now" "do you feel at eased" "would it be better if I kissed you my love" I didn't say anything but nodded I then kiss him on the hand he smiles back at me and hugs me close "I never want to let u go" as he hugs me tight.

The sun sets and I lay back in the grass wile max lays next to me and a beautiful angel comes up from the sky it's Phoenix checking up on me and asking me if I'm okay she then sprinkles little specks protecting us both she then flies up to the clouds with her beautiful light white wings

- what I wished happened -

*in real life*

Everyone is screaming after what have just happend pheonix is panicking looking at Dakota because she just fell to the ground max is scared for her.Someone finally calls the nurse and they bring her on a stretcher same with collect They then get put in the ambulance and Phoenix rides in there with Dakota holding her hand and praying she wakes up max is sitting next to Dakota crying

Pheonix: I really hope she's okay I swear if she isn't this won't be good.

max: I hope so too also oh my god Phoenix I can't believe you actually beat the shit out of collect

Phoenix:Thanks it's just I kinda got fed up with her always interrogating her.I don't know if I'm gonna get into trouble if I do then well she deserved it
Max:true also I think she's gonna be okay it must've been the impact that she's seen
Phoenix: I hope so too

*minuets later she wakes up*
Max:oh my god shes finally awake
Pheonix:thank god she's okay
*velvet wakes up looking up and asking what happened*
Max:u passed out after all those things happened
Dakota: uhh what things?
Pheonix and max:oh Uhm will tell u later
Dakota:oh okay
*the rest of the day Dakota spent most of her day in the nurses room checking her pulse and blood pressure *

* Pheonix and max would sometime check on her during the day *

*after school they both came to see her and pick her up*

Max:hey Dakota how are you doing.
Dakota:Heyy and doing good
Phoenix:yea also gusss what
*them both* what
Phoenix:choler asked me to hangout with him today
Max:oh uhm that's uh cool but didn't u have plans with us?
Dakota:well max let Phoenix hang out with choler besides I think they should get to know each other more *smiles* and it'll be fine just you and me max
Max:*smiles* okay! Also I hope u and choler have fun
Phoenix:thank u I have to go now anyways bye Kota and max

*they both got up and went to hangout at their special spot in the back of the school there's a lake and a open field *

Max:so how are u feeling
Dakota:I'm feeling alright also what happened earlier today.
Max:well I went to the bathroom and I came back to u and collect talking stuff got a little crazy and I decided to step in.then uhm stuff happened Phoenix beat the shit out of collect
Dakota:oh uhm wow that's crazy

*it was quiet and them Both were fidgeting max wonders what really they are he wonders if he should ask her out but it was to soon *

Max:it was mean and messed up what collect said to you she's a bitch
Dakota:yea and the littlest things she said to break my heart worked
Max:I felt so bad for you
*crosses his arms*
Max:I wish I was there to help u but I got furious and could not help it.
Dakota:yea and I'm glad u were there to protect me *lays head on shoulder* I wish we were like before I wish I never met her and got with her..but it would've been u and me unless u didn't cheat on me..*tear sheds from Dakota's eye*
Max:*face glooms* yea Im sorry again I'm so sorry it had to be like that..maybe we both needed a break
Dakota:uh no the thing was u hurt me max..you know sometimes the past hits me and hurts me again even tho it already happened

- Dakota then starts to cry as max feels guilty for the way he made her after the break up max then picks up Dakota and hugs her-

Max:*starts to cry a little bit* I'm sorry okay I'm really sorry for what I put you through.but you know when u got with collect my heart kinda shattered but-..*he breaks down hugging Dakota tightly*

*they were both a crying mess and talking about the past*

Dakota:*sniffles* it just BROKE me and u were the only thing keeping me together
Max:*coughs* and you know what being with you felt so right..I SHOULDN'T OF GOTTEN WITH THAT FUCKING GIRL..
Dakota:*crying loudly* u know what that girl treated u badly and I would've treated you better than that lousy blond girl.
Max:*crying hard too* u know what she hurt me a lot and when you left me she started to leave me too.she got mad at me for never answering her and she would demand pictures of me and if I didn't she would leave me on delivered.*sniffles* she made me feel bad about my self so much

*it starts to rain*

Dakota:Max she was a fucking stupid bitch and if I see  her I'm gonna drop kick that bitch for treating you like that.
Max:you know I regret dating her..I don't even know why I dated her I was stupid for even doing that.
*it starts raining hard*

*they both looks at each other in the eyes and just start kissing *

*the world stopped shaking the silent snapped the all u could hear was there kissing and loud raindrops hitting the ground *

Heyyyy!!! Everyone I'm so glad ur all loving the chapters also I'm gonna be more active and post more here I love writing and making stories anyways hope u enjoyed this chapter also should I make a mini chapter about Max and his toxic ex gf I think that'll be awesome anyways bye guys( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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