U have a ..boy friend

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*time skipped and it was a month later ish *

*takes place at school*
Dakota  POV

I feel like me and Alena haven't been spending time and it's okay i guess god I'm trying to take a quiz and it's not helping at all if I'm thinking about her ugh I'm gonna talk to her at lunch that's what I'm gonna do. *time skips and I'm finally finished * as I get finished I slip my ear buds in and play music as I'm playing music this one song plays and it reminds me of her..ugh damn it I *throw my headphones out of my ears and my face goes dark * why..why do I feel like this I overthink so much and think and think but it's probably not even gonna happen.. even tho we kinda act like a couple ugh can it be lunch all ready*
Out of POV

*the lunch bell rings *
*everyone gets excused and goes down to the lunch room*

Dakota:*runs out of breath* ugh god damn asthma whatever
Phoenix: hey u okay Dakota
Dakota:yeah..hey can u see if Alena's here
Phoenix:yea *looks over* yea she's there
Dakota:oh okay *walks kinda near her* hey uhm Alena
Alena:oh hey..Dakota..
Dakota:what's up *rubs head*
Alena: well..I need to talk to u
Dakota:uhm okay
Alena: here follow me
*they both go into the bathroom*
Alena:*sweats a little* okay.. ur gonna hate me but..
Dakota:hm why
Alena:I..have a..boy friend
Dakota:*smile turns into a frown * o..oh
Alena:..I'm sorry Dakota..I should've told u..
Dakota:*tries to brush it off instead of bursting into tears* *smiles* but her hair in in her eyes*
Dakota:..* weaken ly says* it's okay..now go back to ur boyfriend *slowly slides in corner of bathroom*
Alena:..okay *pats shoulder* *walks out*

Dakota's POV

...is she serious did she seriously just say that after all we've been thru after all the love and affection we gave each other I wanna scream so loud but it would be blocked because of my tears I really liked her she's been my childhood friend for so many years it hurts I wanted to be her girlfriend I though she was gay but I guess not..I can feel the bathroom spinning as teats are falling down my face and my makeup is running down I soon faint into the bathroom

Out of POV

*Alena returns to the lunch room and sees Phoenix *

Phoenix: hey we're is Dakota
Alena:she's in the bathroom why?
Phoenix:no reason *walks out of lunch room and goes to the girls bathroom *
Phoenix: *sees Dakota passed out in the corner as it looked like she was crying *
Phoenix:oh no.. shit what do I do I need a nurse
*she calls a nurse and they bring her to the office and she's laying on one of those nurse beds *

Phoenix:please tell me she's gonna be okay
Nurse:yea she'll be okay. You should probably head back to lunch I'll let u know how she's feeling.
Phoenix:okay thank you by the way
Nurse:no problem

*Phoenix dashes back to the lunch room*

*she sits back at her table*
*Alena walks by her table and asks Phoenix what happened *
Phoenix: well I saw Dakota lying on the floor in the bathroom and it looked like she was crying but she's in the nurse she's lying down
Alena:oh my gosh.. this is my fault..
Phoenix:why do you think that
Alena:it's my fault because I told her I have a boyfriend witch I don't..
Phoenix:why did u tell her I had a boyfriend tho
Alena:well I didn't know what to say so I had to say that but the truth is I really like her and now I feel stupid for saying that
Phoenix: well even if u were nervous u shouldn't of said that Alena really likes you and she tells me
About you she really thinks ur the right one for her
Alena:really she said that
Phoenix:yea she told me she was gonna maybe ask u out today.
Alena: ugh I'm such a bad friend I need to see her
Phoenix:well she's in the nurses office but..I don't think she'll be happy to see her..
Alena:yea..I know

*bell rings*

To be continued-

Hey guys sorry for never really updating this story I've been busy and haven't really been on here lmk if ur liking this story because it's gonna get better trust me anyways enjoy.

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