She hurt you didn't she?

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*continuing on where we left off*

*Dakota is speechless*
Max: Dakota..did she hurt u..

Dakota: y..yes..
max:*hugs her so close* *in head* when I see her she's going to wish she never of hurt ur feelings*
Dakota:*sniffles* she knew how much it was gonna hurt I bet she doesn't even care how bad it hurt me
Max:*says under breath* I'm gonna hurt her I'm gonna throw my fucking hands on her. *is pissed* max u you don't have to do that

Max:No I am she didn't have the right to just brake u like that and I hate seeing u like this I wish I could give u my happiness and and take ur sadness
Dakota:Aw max *says muffled* I love u..
Max:*blushes* I..I love u too

*they both just sit in the corner on the bathroom and skips class and lay there*

*meanwhile in class with Phoenix *

Phoenixes Pov:

Really are u kidding me? He likes her not me and I've been giving him many hints ugh and not only that I don't see neither of them you've gotta be kidding me and everyone here are annoying as ever
And Trent is staring at me I'm about to smack him if he doesn't stop staring

*out of pov*

Pheonix:*in head* god I need to pee I need to raise my hand and ask Mr:Jackson if I can go to the bathroom*

Pheonix: Raised hand

*meanwhile in the bathroom with max and Dakota *

Max:*Runs fingers through Dakota's hair* why do u let Alena hurt u so much ur so delicate and sweet no one should hurt u*

Dakota:I don't know I guess I like it at least she talks to me and she was the only one that cares about me and when I was in my depressed state she helped me through it I don't know why she did this.

Max: I think she was just using you and you know if u ever felt that way you could've always call me weather I'm sleeping or not I'm always there for u. ..u might not of known this but Dakota I'm ready to be urs again I know this is fast and so quick but I really wanna be with you

Dakota:Max.. are you serious
Max:yes I mean it I hate seeing u like this I wish just wish I could make u happy I try to but when u we're with Alena I had to set my boundaries and it was hard because half of me wanted to talk to you and half of me was like no max don't do this .

Dakota:really u know you could've talked to me I bet u would tell me u loved me unlike Alena she would always talk about girls that saw her or flirted with her

Max: that's messed up

*pheonix walks to the bathroom after asking and sees max and Dakota in the corner*

Pheonix: what the hell
Dakota:uhhh h-hey pheonix
Phoenix: why are u and max skipping this class
Max:let's just say I had to help her and she was going thru something
Pheonix:oh well if I was going thru something you wouldn't care at all
*before even letting max say anything she walks out of the bathroom*!
Dakota:*face goes a little dark*
Max:*looks over* okay?
Dakota:*nods* I just wish that she wasn't jealous of me
Max:*hugs * don't feel bad about ur self okay Dakota I care about you a lot..


Hey guys hope u enjoyed this chapter let me know what u want to see I'm down for anything
Love u all bye<3

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