-My escape-

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It was the next day and I woke up next to Kyle all snuggled to him he was still sleeping I just smiled as the birds were chirping and the sun was coming up

I smile but realized I missed school I decided to not call him if he wanted to call me then he would I laid back next to him and closed my eyes

Little later we both woke up

"Hey good morning pumpkin"
"Good morning"

We both looked at the time and it was almost time to go to school although it was half of the school period we decided to go anyway we get in there no one really cares so we were both good

The teach gave me my work and I did it I was boring all day but until study hall me and Kyle were sitting with each other as I was on my phone me and him snuck out and were in his car getting high."Kyle I don't know what it is but man you have the best typ of vapes" he laughs "thank you kitten".I love it when he calls me kitten or he calls me Nick names they give me butterflies.we both then kiss. The kissing then turns into making out.then it was almost time for our next class so we head in some of the kids were looking at us."what are you looking at?" I asked one of the kids and they said nothing as Kyle had his arm around my shoulder phoebe still wasn't there she was still suspended.

-by the way the next paragraph includes spicy sentences feel free to skip if ur not comfy with that or go ahead and read ahead anyways just wanted to warn the ones that are uncomfy with that kind stuff anyways continue- -///-

Later after class it was time to go me and Kyle both left and hung out. We went to his house and smoked. "Man Dakota didn't know you so good at making out" he smirked. I looked back at him "oh yea your just sad because it's over" he looked as he pulled me on his bed on his lap and pressed me down. "Woah-Kyle" my face was redder than a tomato "what you didn't expect me to do that" he looked at me as he was playing with my hair. I'm so glad It's just me and him "so are you doing this because ur bored or-" he then planted his lips on mine "ur mine you better not forget that" he said to me as my face was red I then look at him "I know and you'll always be my kyky as I pulled him into a full on kiss as I pin him to his bed making me being on top and making him the bitten. "Damn! Ur feisty kitten" he looked flustered but it was so worth it. "So we gonna - or wha" his face was so red I was laughing so hard and jumped down leaving his face red. "What was that?" I smirked at him "it was a tease you silly boy" I was laughing so much and I fell down. His face was mad as he got up and threw me on him as he was the top and o was the bottom. "So you wanna keep laughing or want me to-" he didn't let me talk i tried saying something but he pushed his lips on mine and made out with me. He was all touching me my head was wandering way to much but was it worth it yes. He got finished and whispered to my ear "I'm not finished yet kitten" he said to me even more butterflies hit my stomach. My skin was tingling as he went by my neck and started sucking on it "g-god k-Kyle u-ur good" I was a stuttering mess and he knew he could do that. "Mmm-" he was saying, he was biting my neck too. This man has powers and he has a tongue of a- "ahhhhh-kyleeee"

It was one hit moment we the ended up taking a sleep after. Later we both woke up and I was in Kyle's room as it was 10:00!!!. "Shit! Kyle what do I do" I was panicking but then I forgot that mom doesn't care so I look at him "I guess I could stay over with you" as I shrugged my shoulder "yea you sure can mommy-" did he just I looked at him and yelled "DONT call me thattt" I said as I was embarrassed. "Oh whyyy not" I was a little more tired but I was thirsty "hey Kyle I'm gonna go down and get a drink" "okay don't be long I'll be here waiting for you".

I then walk down and see Camden Kyle's brother on the couch still awake I tried not to make him notice me but as i was going to get a water from the fridge I feel someone's hands on my hips. I looked over and it was Camden's hands "UHHHH" Camden didn't take his hands off me."you know Dakota you do have nice body shape and that ass of yours is mwah-" I pushed his hands off my hips and grabbed the water from the fridge "no Camden but I actually don't like you I'm in a deep relationship with ur brother now if you excuse me I'm gonna go up to sleep with him and probably have - with him" I walked away as he felt embarrassed and a little furious but did I care no. I head up and see Kyle putting on a movie for us "oh hey kitten your finally back!" I was so happy and he was smiling  I come and lay in bed with him. Was I really gonna tell him that his brother was trying to start something with me? No. "I love you kyky" as I kissed him by his shoulder "I love you too" we both fell asleep as we were watching a movie.
He was cuddling me making sure I was safe as he was mumbling in his sleepy voice "ur mine! Got that". His sleepy voice is such the cutest thing "yes I'm always kykyss" we both fell asleep.

-::)- hope u enjoyed lmk what else u wanna see <3

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