Maybe it is true..

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*continuing on the last chapter *

*meanwhile wile Dakota ran to the bathroom*

Dakota's pov
As tears are coming down I can't believe it how am I crying why it should even bother me all I need to see is Alena then I'm okay but why is it that every time I hang out with him that  same old stupid memory appears ugh it's stupid I finally get into a stall as I'm crying and my make up is messed up..
Out of POV

Dakota:ugh can't this day get over with but I know one things for sure that it's a sign every time I get that damn memory does it mean like I'm supposed to live my future I mean when I'm with him I don't know time slow downs and I try not to make eye contact or talk to him wile he's talking to Pheonix

*mean wile in the science room*

Max:I really should go and see her
Phoenix:hey why don't I go and see if she's okay
Max:okay thank you
Phoenix:of course

*as she's doing that he repeats what Dakota said to him*
"It's strange the same memory appears when I'm with you"
Max:I wish I could get a sign Dakota isn't even in love with me she's in love with Alena

*in the bathroom*

Dakota is in the stall still crying and thinking*
Dakota:okay okay so the signs and puzzle pieces fit.maybe it was supposed to happen me and max together for ever

*a Minuit later a familiar voice Dakota hears in the bathroom*

Phoenix:hey Dakota
Dakota:uhm? Pheonix is that you
Phoenix:yes it is anyways are u okay?
Dakota:*signs* honestly I don't even know
Phoenix:oh well explain to me also can I come in
Dakota:alright it's hard to explain and no I look like crap
Phoenix:alright and no u don't just let me come in I don't want to look suspicious
Dakota:*sighs* alright
*she lets Phoenix in the bathroom stall*
Phoenix: Aw Dakota ur face *
Dakota:it's fine I don't care
Phoenix:anyways explain


Okay so I know I'm in a relationship with Alena and we'll I shouldn't be liking anyone else but her .but when me and max used to be close we would always joke around about being together and we'll *gulps* before Alena transferred here me and him used and later when Alena transferred here max kinda got bored of the love we had and he was cheating on me with another girl and I found out witch I was deeply hurt but since that Alena got close with me and we would talk and sit with each other at lunch. Max and me drifted I mean we would see each other in the halls but we wouldn't talk and now since then every time I'm with him this stupid memo pops up in my head with me and her at the park and confessing our love to each other *sighs* sometimes I feel like I miss him he doesn't even know I still fucking like him oh god Pheonix I am a mess.*she starts having a break down*

That's really REALLY crazy but u wanna know the real truth about max
Dakota:*sniffles* yea what
Phoenix:max still likes you
Dakota:wait really ?
Phoenix:*wipes Dakota's tears* yes
Dakota:oh' my god but that's bad because I'm also in love with Alena not to mention "in a relationship with her"
Phoenix:yea we'll max never wanted me to tell u that also I kind knew u still liked max
Dakota:I know *sighs* I make it so obvious but what do I do? Ugh
Phoenix:well u are bi right
Phoenix:well I mean i could get max and I don't make up some dumb plain to get u and him to talk to each other.ooh! I know u can talk I mean I can help u with ""stuff"" but really I'm just helping u with max
Dakota:wow Pheonix that's actually sounds like a good idea
Phoenix:no problem also we should get back the teachers probably mad at us and looking for us also not only that we've been in here for half the class period

*they both get up and and Pheonix helps Dakota with her makeup and they get done and walk to the class *

*to be continued *

Hey luvs so ye here's another chapter also I know right crazy how Dakota could have also feelings for max anyways hope u guys liked the chapter and the song I picked I felt like it went with the chapter so ye:) love U all also I made this in study hall lol byeeee

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