-Mistakes cant he repalced-

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It was the next day as I woke up in someone's bed and it wasn't who I expected "u-uhhh" I look over to a girl sleeping as I realized I WAS NAKED.the girl then woke up "hey cutie" she smiled u-uhm e-Eve h-hi" as she put her hands on me I tried letting go of her hand but she touched my arm "don't go baby" WHYY and also where and the hell is Kyle


I wake up and I'm in a weird room where Samantha is near me BUT NAKED! "O—ooh my head" I was in pain as Samantha woke up "hey babes" she smiled "u-uhhh babe?" Why was she calling me that and what the hell happened and why did my head so much "babe last night was awesome" and ow my head as My head was in agony "why does my head hurt so much?" She looks at me and smiles "because you were drinking a lot of  alcohol last night silly".as I tried getting up I almost hurled as I rushed to the toilet throwing up. I got finished as my head came to the thought "where's Dakota?" And why was Samantha next to me sleeping. I really don't know but I do know todays gonna be weird and Dakota's gonna be pissed.


I got up and took some aspirins "hey you okay" the girl asked me I nodded "also how did I end up in ur bed" she smiled and was laughing "heheh I can't tell you that" she smiled. What the hell does that mean? I got and felt a little dizzy and grabbed my clothes "I'm gonna go and use ur shower real quick" she nodded as I went in to the shower I also had my phone and checked there were a lot of voice mails from Kyle from last night. Maybe he was wondering where I was but I didn't know I decided to shower first then check them.


Samantha came over to me and rubbed my back "you okay?" "Yeah but I'm just really confused about why I'm in ur room and where's velvet" she kinda got a little angry and said in a loud voice "she's better off not with you" as she got up and went to her room. Why was she acting like this ugh is she really that jealous I tried getting up and almost slipping on the handle by the shower. I looked in the mirror and saw something weird on my neck "what the hell?" I looked and realized it was a hickey. I was so flabbergasted I slipped and fell back hitting my head. Samantha heard a thud and instantly came over to me "OH MY GOD!"


I got out of the shower but noticed there were bruises on my legs  and thighs "what the hell?" What really happened last night does the girl know. I forgot about the name she had but I think her named started with a e as I took some aspirins for my aching head. I decided to check those voice mails from Kyle last night I played the first one as I heard a weird voice as i thought of the name it sounded like SAMANTHA it starts playing -oh hey Dakota I actually need to tell you something I actually don't like you and I was playing you. Yeah it was good also I'm deeply in love with Samantha she's a better kisser than you and I like the way she treats me good bye Dakota- it stops as I fall to the floor as tears started rushing I could feel the ground shake and Eva came in and saw me crying "oh my god! Are you okay?" As I was none responsive she was shaking me. I can't believe it what a fucking..traitor i treated him so good why..why.. I was crying so much "DAKOTA SPEAK TO ME?!" I was finaly responsive "y-yea I'm o-okay Eva" she Hugs me "good I was worried about you. Im gonna head downstairs okay?" I nodded as she got up and left I look at the phone and think. Should I do the same thing yeah because who cares I went to his name and sent him a voice mail -oh yeah oh okay Kyle I get it I see your to much of a pussy to actually talk to me and say it. Well to tell you I actually had sex with someone that wasn't you. I HOPE UR FUCKING HAPPY KYLE GOOD FUCKING RIDDENCE!- I ended the voice mail and blocked his number as I started having a breakdown on the floor. Why the fuck did this have to happen to me I swear I can't even find love at this point he made me feel so soft.. he made me FEEL LOVED.. now the tears are coming down even fast.. I look at my phone and realized it was 9am I knew I had to leave and leave him here. I got up carefully and looked in the mirror as tears were still gushing out of my eyes, it so hard to actually believe all of this was fake.. everything he said was.. fake.. I went to my bed and got my things and decided to leave the room tears still flooding my eyes. As I looked and went to my room as I opened it. All the clothes and shit was still there *sobbing* "WHYYYY!!! ..u fucking idiot..you did this Kyle.." I got my stuff from the room and grabbed my charger and went down to the checkout counter and checked out. As I went out and got in the car as I turned on the car I saw a picture of me and him. I broke down into tears as I was thinking of all the memories we made .. "it's what ever okay..!" I took the picture as a tear hit the picture as I threw it on floor. I drove off as I had the music blaring as I was crying so hard I didn't care I drinked my wine cooler as I headed out leaving the state

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