The next day

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Uhm btw max new name is changed to Kyle because I said so and my brain likes that instead of max haha so yea

It was the next day after all that crap happening Pheonix went to detention she had this for the whole week things were rocky once again with me and Kyle school was unbearable

Kyle was by his locker and so was I

"Hey velvet" Kyle says as I was by my locker too "hey uhm Kyle" as I was sweating nervously ugh god why do I always act like this "I kinda wish things were different between us" as he walks away closing his locker

Uhm what?
He then walks to his class leaving me to a panic oh god I wish Phoenix wasn't in detention god I would love to talk to her also as for collet she's in the hospital in recovery. I'm guessing I'm happy for what Phoenix did to her she deserved it damn right

I head into my next class boring as ever some guys were talking about me saying "oh my god did you know - was a slut" "oh my god yea"

Funny they didn't think  I wasn't listening but they should know I'm not that deaf
Mr.chad handed me my quiz ugh god I didn't even study for this shitty test and who even cares if I fail it's not like my grades are any half better

*skips to lunch because those other classes are boring then ever*

I walk into lunch as ABUNCH of kids are in my way

"Oh my god Dakota is it true!" "did Phoenix really beat the shit out of collet!" "wow I can see ur tits through ur shirt"
All these dumb kids were bugging wile I was trying to escape the line Kyle "saves me"?

"I've got you Kota *yells* BACK AWAY FROM HER ITS NOT A PAPARAZZI!

Everyone went away witch made me so relieved
We then sit at a table "hey are are alright now" Kyle says  "yea I'm alright thank you Kyle" I say back to him

"Good also I wish this stupid fight shit just blew over already cause it's so annoying"
He says

"Same here and I don't even know what else fucking happened I fainted out of anxiety and blood pressure I wish people would just get off my dick"
I say to Kyle

"Oh yea and not only that I wished they wondered if you were okay but because we have some inconsiderate fucking pricks in the school people care about drama and what not. I'm just glad ur okay"

As Kyle said those words it made me feel thankful to have a friend like him even tho our relationship is kinda rough as long I can talk to Kyle about anything

I put my head on his shoulder "also I'm sorry for last night I was a hole rekt"

He takes a drink of his milk "it's alright yesterday was just crazier than ever we even had to call ur mom and let you know you were okay"

"Wait my mom wasn't there" I say

"No she wasn't she had work but she did get a call from the school saying that u fainted and u looked dizzy. Surprised they didn't let u stay home today."

Wow didn't know I was that messed up must've been the impact it gave me
"Oh yea but thank god I'm alright and psh not dead "

He gets ready to take care of his tray he takes care of mine "here I'll take care of urs" he smiles

"O-oh okay thank you "

Jazmine came up to me and was trying to pick a stupid fight for no absolute reason

"So I he-red  you slept with Colin hmmm?"

"I don't know what the hell ur talking about"
I say

"Oh come on I know and we both know who ur talking about" crosses her arms

I get up kinda furious I say angrily "LOOK I DO NOT EVEN KNOW WHO UR TALKING ABOUT LEAVE ME ALONE!"

Kyle comes back and asks what's going on

Jasmine "oh uhhh n-nothing"

He comes up to her and grabs the neck of her shirt bringing her face up to his

He had an angry and annoyed look on his face
"I really don't wanna hurt you but if u don't stop pestering Dakota I'm gonna have to "

She was as scared as ever I'm glad someone finally put her in her place

She runs off as scared as ever and as for Kyle he sat next to me putting his arm around me

After school Phoenix and me and Kyle decided to hang out and we told each other about our days

"Yea my day was boring as hell but jasmine was trying to pick a fight with me"

"Really what a bitch" -Phoenix

"Yea but I saved her and stuck up for her"
Kyle says

"Aw that's so sweet so are you too dating"

Me and Kyles face were red we just didn't say anything and ignored that question and talked about something else

"So did y'all hear what happened with collet"
Phoenix says-

"Yea I'm not gonna lie she kinda deserved it"

As Kyle is lighting a cigarette "yea I kinda agree with velvet"

"Yea I don't care if she's alive or not it doesn't bother me."

They all hung out later until they all went home 

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