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Dakota's pov
It's been a couple of months and let's just say I don't know how to tell Alena this but I have feelings for her ugh I know it's dumb and I'm pretty sure she doesn't like me but altho she's been single for the past month but idk
*out of pov*

*time takes place at a school locker wear Alena is *

* Dakota walks up to Alena *

Alena: oh uhm Heyy Kota *smiles happily *
Dakota:hey *blushes a little *
Alena:I missseddd you sooo much
*hugs Dakota *
Dakota: oh uh I've missed you too *smiles*
Alena:*muffles* ur super warm and soft
Dakota: hehe t-thanks
Dakota:hey SOO uhm wanna hang out at my place after school
*Alena releases from her*
Dakota:okay sounds great I'll see u later Lena

*that's what Dakota calls Alena but that's her nick name *

Alena:byeeeee kotttaaaaaa

*after school*

* Alena and Dakota meet at the school door after school and walks to her house *
Dakota:soooo? How was school
Alena :it sucked but the best part was I got to see you
Dakota;Aw hehe same
Dakota:sooo what do you wanna maybe do
Alena:i don't know hm truth or dare
Dakota: lol okay
Alena:sooo truth or dare Kota
Alena:hehehe I dare u act like a chicken
Dakota:lol okay *acts like a chicken*
Alena:*starts laughing a lot*
*rest of the day Dakota and Alena spent the day with each other laughing and playing games*


*Kota was sleeping wile cuddling Alena*

Dakota:*wakes up* * notices Alena is cuddling with her*
Alena:Mnn *still sleeping*
Dakota:*starts blushing* uhhhh
Alena:*wakes up* *yawns*
Dakota: oh uhhhm Heyy
Alena:hey *smiles*
*they both notices there cuddling each other *
*they both start blushing*

Alena:uhhhh SOO
Dakota:uhhh yAa
* 1 Minuit of awkward silence *
Alena:uhmmm I should probably get going home ya know it's getting late
Dakota:oh okay I want me to walk u to the porch
*they both get up and Dakota & walks Alena tithe porch*
Alena:it was fun hanging out with you
Dakota:yea it was *smiles*
Alena:well I'll  see u tomorrow
Dakota:okay u too
*after that Dakota goes up inside and goes to bed never forgetting this night*

*later that evening. Alena starts to realize she might start liking Dakota after all these years of being best friends the feelings come out*

Hey guys I'm so glad u like this story sorry I don't upload a lot on here I'm thinking of making a chapter that takes place a couple years ago when Alena had a boyfriend but it didn't turn out as plain it might be a longer chapter then these ones SOO yea hope u enjoy and tell me what you think :) that's all for now byeee ✌️

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