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*time takes place at Dakota's place *
Dakota: *thinking*
Alena: hey Dakota
Dakota: *snaps out of thoughts* hm
Alena: what are ur thoughts on dating a girl
Dakota:oh Uuhhhh *blushes a little* well I wouldn't really mind it at all
Alena:oh okay! Hey let's go to the park
Dakota:uhh okay but didn't u wanna stay with me at my place
Alena:yea true ur place is nice and comfy
Dakota:*laughs a little bit* yea it is
Alena: hey Kota...
Dakota:ye Lena
Alena:there's something I need to tell you
Dakota: uhh okay what is it
Alena:I- *gets worried* I-
*gets interrupted by Dakota's little brother*
Alena: *nervously * laughs *
Mason:Sissssyuyyyy *hands her car*
Dakota:well hey mason! Oh u wanna okay cars sure we could *looks over at Alena* oh sorry I  interrupted what u we're gonna say
Alena:oh it's okay *is relived she didn't admit her feelings to her* anyways *rubs neck* let's go and play cars with ur little brother
Dakota:*laughs* okay

*they played cars with her little brother until
Alena had to go home *

Heyy guys sorry for not updating this story been busy but I'm super glad u like story sorry for not updating it anways enlist this small chapter so yess buy ^~^

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