What! - confessions :p

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*this takes place long time ago/in the past probably the next day so part 2 ish of video games 3 anyways enjoy

ALSO INCLUDES KISSING AND SOO if ur uncomfy  with that then skip the part anways enjoy luvsss *

*takes place at maxes house *

* Dakota is still asleep cuddling max*
*Max still asleep *

*later Dakota wakes up and sees max in front of her face hugging her*

Dakota:*starts blushing like crazy* uuu-uhhh m-max*whispers*
Max:*mufffles* sleeeeping * *snores*

Dakota's pov:
Well how did we end up here I mean he's so warm and soft and he's sleeping he looks so cute when he's asleep so cute uhm wait why am I thinking this I thought I didn't catch feelings for max well shit *out of pov*

Max:*wakes up* good morning sunshine
Max:also ur blushing so much hmmm?
Dakota:oooo-hh good morning max sorry
Max:it's fine *smiles* we'll do u just wanna stay in bed with me and watch tv and be lazy
Dakota:uh sure but later u remember
Max:oh! I forgot to tell u doing that thing tomorrow
Dakota:oh okay
Max:*lays head on Dakota's shoulder*
Dakota:max do u have a crush on me?
Max:*face is red* uhhhm
Dakota:ur face is red soooo-
Max:maybe *hides face in his blanket*
Dakota:ooooo so u do
Max:*silently says* yes
Dakota:Aw that's so cute
*max then lays head on my chest*
Dakota:*pets head*
Max:* anxious* I didn't know what u we're gonna say so I panicked I'm sorry
Dakota:no no it's okay I understand I've been in ur shoes before
Max:*smiles* thanks Dakota
Dakota:no problem

*Madyy comes barging probably going to ask max where something is she then sees max and Dakota cuddling*

Maddy:oooooooooh max has a girlfriend
*max blushing* NOOOO I don't
Dakota:heh he does but doesn't admit it
Madddy:ooooo does Dakota like maxy tooo
Dakota:heh welll that will be answered tomorrow
Dakota:hey maddy wanna hang up here with me and max and watch YouTube
Maddy:oooo! Sure let me get my blanket and soda
Dakota:*smiles* okay!
Max:why did u invite her
Dakota:because she's a person too and she wanted to hang with us
Max:ugggh fine Just know I'm doing this because I love you *he looks into Dakota's eyes *
Dakota:okayy *she looks into his eyes too*
Max:wow I never noticed how pretty ur eyes look there so pre

* Dakota thinks for an second and says fuck it and kisses him without max finishing his sentence*

*max puts his hands on Dakota's shoulders and start going in for a make out instead*

Dakota:Mm- *face is super warm*

*this goes on for a Minuit or 2 before they hear maddy s foot steps*

Max:*wile making out he puts his hand under Dakota's shirt*
Max:*breathes* what?
Dakota:not right now maybe later tonight *winks at him*

*they breath for air with saliva hanging from there mouths*


*little later maddy comes up with some chips and sodas plus her blanket *
Maddy:okkkkie I got my stuff *smiles* * notices max and Dakota are blushing so much*
Max:it's just hormones we didn't do anything weird

Maddy:ooooh okay *gets on the bed and gets her stuff and lays in the middle of max and Dakota
Dakota:we're gonna be watching Minecraft videos sounds good?
Maddy:YEAA but can we watch gacha videos later too
Dakota:fine max are u okay with that?
Max:i guess  only because I'm hanging you *smiles*
Dakota:Aw and thank u

*all day/evening they watched YouTube and max fell asleep wile Dakota a little awake and maddy awake watching gacha life videos since max fell asleep*

Maddy:so you and max?
Dakota:actually I do like him *smiles*
Maddy:awww yay I ship it so much
Dakota:thank u ^^
Maddy:no problem *smiles*

*Dakota falls asleep too as for Maddy still awake but soon falls asleep too*

Hey guys hope u liked this chapter let me know also don't forget to click the heart thingy love u allll byeee ^^

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