Are you serious?

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Phoenix:*is out of breath*
Phoenix: max!
*max is just in front of Phoenix not saying anything*
Phoenix:*comes closer to him* max..u o-
*he cuts her off*
Max:*is angry* NO IM NOT OKAY
Phoenix..why arnt u okay?
Phoenix:because why?
Max:BECAUSE I LOVED DAKOTA OKAY!*tears stream down his face*
Phoenix:*is startled* m...max
Phoenix:..did she even know you liked her?
Max:..not exactly but we were close but since Alena came to this school she started getting distance with me*he wipes his tears* I was gonna tell her..
Phoenix:oh..max I'm so sorry
Max:..*is silent for a minute*

Max:it's alright..
Phoenix:but how long have u liked her did u even know she wasn't straight
Max:for a year now and what?
Phoenix:yea she isn't straight but why would u be jealous of that Alena and Dakota are like the cutest couple in this school.
Max:I don't think their cute it's weird they need to get a room *rolls his eyes*
Phoenix:that's not very nice of u to say that and u do know that I could tell erm what u said
Max:*is nervous * NONONO?nonono! Please Phoenix don't do that..
Phoenix:*laughs* I'm just kidding u dumbie
*they both start laughing*
*they both hug and walk back to the group*

Alena:hahah what took u too so long
Max:*shakes head* no we weren't I had to get something at the vending machine
Phoenix:yea and I had to help him
Alena:ah okay *nuzzles Dakota's nose*


No we weren't I was just crying because the love of my life is taken to some girl that's better than me it's okay it's alright but when I look at Dakota with her brown flowey hair and her pretty hazel eyes I get lost in them and I need to stop but I just can't at least she's happy but she knew I had feelings for her along time ago but that doesn't matter anymore..

*out of pov*

Phoenix:Aw u guys are so adorable
*Alena and Dakota just smile*

*after that it was almost getting dark*

Alena:brrr! It's getting lil chilly
Dakota:Aw here lemme fix that *she brings out her blanket and covers Alena up*
Alena:t-thank u *she snuggled into it*
Dakota:no problem hey look at the sunset
Max:at least I can watch the sunset*
* Phoenix wraps her around max unexpectedly*
Max:*is confused but let's it go smooth*
*the sunset starts setting* *wile that happens Alena and Dakota kiss each others cheek*
*they both snuggle *
Alena:*muffles* I love u Kota
Dakota:*smiles* I love u to Lena
*max and Phoenix lay next to each other on the blanket next to Alena and Dakota*

^hope u enjoyed this chapter let me know what u thinks gonna happen as always thank u for reading this more chapters will be on there way*

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