My heart jumps everytime ur near and it hurts..

19 2 0

*this was the week after study hall*

Max:*is on his phone looking over at Dakota*
Dakota:*chewing on her strings wile on her phone*

Maxes pov:
She's so pretty god I wanna be with her so bad I forgot what happened last week *sighs* sometimes I wonder what she's thinking I just wanna go sit next to her and talk to her. I then see Dakota put her headphones in *thinks for a minute * oooh I could just go near her and sit next to her yea that's a good idea

Dakota's pov: finally study hall where I can listen to my music wait why is max starring at me? Then I- I don't know why do I wanna talk to him oh he doesn't know about me and Alena *sighs* it was for the best anyway

*max then gets on and is walking near Dakota*

*still in pov*

Uhhh? Why is max coming near me I- I am sweating ugh again I then just hide my face in my hoodie and look at my phone trying not to see max

Max:*he gets there* hey uhh Dakota

*she takes out her headphones *

Dakota:uhhh hey m-max what are u uh doing here
Max:I don't know I wanted to sit next to you *he then sits next to her their elbows touching *
Dakota:uhh- okay
Max:*he looks at his phone* so uhh Dakota what did u do last weekend?
Dakota: uhh *in head* shitttt what do I tell him Uhhhh *out of head* w-well me and Alena uhh
Dakota: well we're taking a break *sighs*
Max:oh wow I'm really sorry d-does that mean u too broken up
Dakota: *w-well I don't know can we go in the little band room I need to talk to u personally
Max:u-uh okay sure

*they both get up and go into the mini room*
Dakota:*locks door*
Max:okayy SOO what did U wanna tell me
Dakota:I wanna talk to u about last week
Max:*gulps* o-oh
Max:what about last week
Dakota:*sighs* we both know it's  obvious *turns her back*
Max:what is ?
Dakota:about us both having feelings for each other
Max:o-oh y-..yea about that I-
Dakota cuts maxes sentence *

Dakota:I'm sorry max but I don't even know how to tell u this I like u..
max: im- wait what
Dakota:*faces him* *looks up at him* I like u..max
Max:oh- well how do u know that u like me shouldn't like me because of what I did..*face darkens*
Dakota:yea but the thing is I do I like u back *face darkens* and it's stupid because I'm in a relationship but the thing is we're taking a break and it's stupid that I like u okay max..
max:..I still don't know why I even have feelings for you it's dumb but I don't understand it tho I should be over you but ugh
Dakota:*sighs* u know..last week Phoenix knows
Max:..what do you mean she knows?
Dakota:she knows about you cheating on me*tear sheds eye*
Max:*face darkens even more* *he says under his breath* u said u wouldn't tell anyone
Dakota:I'm sorry max but.. u should know I'm telling Phoenix she's like the only one who cares about me..
Max:sometimes u act all prissy and it pisses me off .*he says under his breath* ur a bitch

*it goes silent*

Dakota: *leaves room* *hair covering face so it didn't look like she was crying *

*she leaves max in there in the dark*

Phoenix:* noticed that Dakota looked sad* oh no *walks over to Dakota *
Phoenix:hey u okay?
Dakota:I don't even know
Phoenix:what's wrong
Dakota:fine I'll tell u but can we go somewhere private
Pheonix:of course
*they both go out in the back of the study hall room*
Dakota:okay so.. I talked to max today
Phoenix: okayy what did he say and how did u both react
Dakota:well.. I told him about him cheating on me and that I told u about it because I trust u with my secrets then he got mad at me then we argued about that for a Minuit after me in tears and max trying to keep it in
Phoenix:oh my god *hugs Dakota so much* I'm so sorry.. that must of hurt u a lot
Dakota:yea then he called me a bitch for acting weird about it
Phoenix:*clenches fist* that little-

*max then proceeds to walk to the door as he sees Phoenix angry and Dakota upset*

Phoenix:*snaps fingers* *breathes in* max.. *she yells* YOU LITTLE BITCH IM GONNA HURT YOU
Max:*is confused* I-I didn't do-
*before he could finish Phoenix pushes max to the ground leaving marks on him*
*bell rings*

Phoenix:that's for calling my best friend a bitch *she Neals down and picks up his chin*
Phoenix:talk bad about her again and I'll have ur spine out of ur body *she twitches* GOT IT

*mean wile Dakota had to go to the bathroom before this happen and later cleans her self up and leaves*

*Phoenix gets up and leaves leaving max on the ground *
* Everyone leaves to go to their next class*
*someone notices and talks to him *


Hey everyone I hope u enjoyed this chapter because yea I have another chapter I'm working on hope u enjoy it.♡

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