Old lovers in the past

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*another chapter including Dakota's past and something that has to do with max anways this is probably the next day —also don't worry I'll make a chapter of what happing last night for all my romantic lovey lovers hehe -

*anways let's begin*

*the next morning*

*Dakota's is sleeping and cuddling max wile maddy fell asleep at the end of the bed*

Dakota:*wakes up* *yawns*
Max:*wakes up a little bit**yawns* hey Dakota how'd you sleep?
Dakota:oh I slept good it felt nice cuddling you *smiles*
Max:Aw anyways we should eat breakfast then head out to the park

*they both get up and go down stairs to find something for breakfast *

Max:hey I found some cereal u want some too Kota
Dakota:*blushes a little bit* oooo yes it's my favorite kind too
Max:okay I'll get u a bowl too

*mean wile max always Dakota that nick name ever since he liked her *

*as their making breakfast maddy wakes up and comes downstairs *

Maddy:hey good morning brother
Max:good morning u want some cereal *as he's got the 2 bowls he made for him and Dakota*
Maddy:thanks but I'm good I'm just gonna eat a nutrition bar
Dakota:okay thanks for making me a bowl max *smiles*

Max:oh no problem

Maddy:*gets her nutrition bar and sits next to max and Dakota* so what are you too love birds up to today

*dakota starts blushing and max blushes a little*
Max:uuuh well me and Dakota are gonna go to the park and hang out
Dakota:*takes a bite of her cereal * yup and I have something important to tell him
Maddy:oooh i know what Dakota's gonna tell u max *smiles*
*Dakota interrupts maddy* OH uhm maxxx we should probably get going yAa know
*finishes her cereal*
Max:oh yeaa ur right uhm *puts his and Dakota's bowls in the sink* yea we should get going.before we head out make sure to have ur phone and I have my hoodie just in case it gets chilly wile we're out
Dakota:okay I don't think I'm gonna need my hoodie *laughs*
Max:okay! Well bye maddy we will be back later tonight
Dakota:yea bye maddy
Maddy:okay bye u love birds *laughs*

*they both head out*

*they both head down and talk wile walking to the park*
Max:hey also u look really pretty Dakota *smiles*
Dakota:oh uhm thanks max
Max:no problem
*they both get the park and hang out*

Max:sooo what was the thing u wanted to tell me *curious*
Dakota:oh yea the thing well *smiles* I'll tell u later
Max:awwwww why not right now
Dakota:well because it's still to early and like waiting until later
Dakota: thank you

*they both hang out until it gets dark*
Max:*starts laughing*
Dakota:*laughs too*
Max:that was to funny oh my god

*it starts getting cold*
Dakot:brr! It's SOO cold
Max:you wanna borrow my hoodie
Dakota:uuuh sure

*he hands her the hoodie*

Dakota:okay okay I will agree it was funny
Max:hey so what was that thing you wanted to tell me ?
Dakota:well don't tell anyone this but*she comes close to him*
*she looks him in the eyes as hearts beating out of chest*
Max:what is it *smiles* *looks at her too*

Dakota:I..*gulps* like u....like u
Max:face turns red* wait u do?
Dakota:*laughs* y-yea I have liked u for a long time now
Max:oh well I
Dakota:*looks at him *
Max:I like u too *sweating* * nervous *
Dakota:well I like u too
*they both start hugging *
Max:so is it official
Dakota:*laughs* yes *smiles so much*
Max:well good I'm glad it is
*he kisses her on the cheek*

Maxes pov
Her skins so soft and her pale cheeks are so light and pretty I can't believe it I'm Dakota's boyfriend wow I can't believe it

Dakota:hey wanna know something
Dakota:well ur sister knew about my feelings toward you *laughs*
Max:oh! So u tell her and not me *playfully punches her*
Dakota:*laughs* I'm sorrry I had to tell her because I knew she would keep it a secret toward you
*they both laugh even more *

*it gets dark*
Max:hey want me to walk you home since it's dark
*they both hold hands and he walks her home*

*when they get to her house *

Max:*smiles* well I'll see u tomorrow
Dakota:u too
*she goes In her house and max walks home*

-hey eveyone I really hoped I like this chapter I made this in study hall anways enjoy it and lmk if u like it or not bye luvs

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