Class fight

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It was the start of the day I was in school for pheonix was eyeing some girl she was talking to Cole wile the teacher was talking about mumbo shit ugh waiting for the bell to ring

It was the week after Phoenix got out of detention
It was long and boring I was about to drop dead at this point I stare at Kyle and he's staring at me

The bell rings as I get up pheonix wanted to throw hands I mean I don't blame her but this is the only period so far I was walking to my locker wile talking to Kyle

"Yea the other day was pretty fun Heh"

"Heh yea hey by the way how's ur scar"

"Oh yea it's okay It kinda faded"

We both laugh and go near our lockers and get books for our next class

Let's skip to pe

It was pe one of the stressful periods Phoenix finally cooled down after first period but did Maddison  no she didn't she was pestering Cole so as she did when it came to dodge ball phoenix's idea was to aim every ball at jazzily was it a good idea probably not

"Hey Kyle wanna be on me and phoenix's team?"


"I'm so gonna throw these balls at Maddison"
"Woah Phoenix calm down don't do that"
"No! I won't she keeps getting with Cole and you know what I'm not putting up with her shit anymore"

"Uh okay"

The game started our team was winning Phoenix was about to throw one of the balls at her but  Maddison threw the ball so hard it hit Phoenix so hard she fell

I ran over to Pheonix helping her
Kyle did the same and the teachers yelled and stopped the game

"pheonix! Are you okay!"

There was a mark on her cheek

Maddison was laughing wile pheonix was un unconscious

"Haha! Look she's on the ground"

"Uhm Maddison that wasn't nice at all"
"I don't care she's just trying to steal Cole away from me and I WONT PLAY THAT ANYMORE"

Cole comes up to Phoenix to check on her

"Pheonix! Omg there's a mark on you!"

"I'm gonna hurt that little bitch"

Cole was angry and mad as hell I would be too
Phoenix then started waking up the was when the bell rung and everyone left except me Kyle and Cole

The pe teacher was worried too so she came over to check on her

"Y-yea I'm fine"

Cole kissed the bruise and hugged her so tightly
"I'm so glad ur okay.don't scare me like that"

"What was all of that about with Maddison"
The pe teacher asked

"I think she was angry at Phoenix for not reason"

"That's not okay at all I'm gonna go talk to the principal about that"

We all get up and head to lunch
Me Kyle and Cole were sitting with each other on Phoenix was okay she just had some minor bruises

"I love you so much Kyle"
"I love you too"

He kissed me on my head

"Oh wow you guys never told me you guys were together"
"Yea been for a couple days now"

Phoenix comes and sits here with us

"Woah pheonix about last period"
"Yea so I'm gonna show her what I'm made off thinking couple minutes I'm gonna throw my hands on her"

We all looked at her with determination in her face

She pulled close to Coles face and kissed him on the lips

"I also won't let her steal you away from me"
She smiles

"I know baby  and she won't"
He brushed his hand by her hair and moved it

I lay my head on Kyle's shoulder
Little later I went up to go to the bathroom
Wile that happened collet came up to me and grabbed my waist and kissed me


"You know I was getting lonely without you and seeing ur with Kyle just boils my blood.payback baby~"

She had her nails jabbed into my waist

"ow c-collet"

Wile that was happening Phoenix decided to go up near Ashlyn Maddison and Brianna

"Hey bitch!"

She said wile cracking her knuckles

Cole was about to go up too
Maddison looked at her and got up
"Oh says the one that looks like one"

"You know I don't know what ur problem is with me and Cole dating. He would never ever like someone like you "


She grabbed phoenix's shoulders and pushed her
She got up with her hair messed up but with the twinkle in her eyes she was gonna demolished her

"You wished"

She came near her and went with the first hit her lip was bruised Ashlyn came up
Maddison got up slowly


Wile in the bathroom

"Collet NO! I have a boyfriend GET UR HANDS OFF ME"

I tried pulling away from her grip

"No I won't I WANT YOU"

She then started crying and let go of me
"I-I'm s-sorry"

"No I'm done YOU MADE A MARK ON ME!"

I left slamming the door and I see Phoenix
beating the shit out of Maddison everyone was cheering and getting videos


She was about to go in for a another fist in her face but the principle grabbed her arms


She was trying to restrain from her"


Phoenix was throwing punches then and there marks all over her and Maddison her nose was bloody

One of Maddison's best friends called the principal to come to the lunch room

The principle dragged Phoenix out of the lunch room

Kyle came out of the bathroom and saw me with marks

He came rushing up to me and looked at me

"Babe! W-what happened"

"Some bitch who's name is collet tried claim me as her"
"Really! Are you serious it looks like she nearly fucking drew blood"
"No baby really I'm alright I just need ice"

He went up to me and wrapped his arms around me

"Ur so delicate to me.I don't want nothing bad to happen to you"

We walked to the nurses and she gave me ice the rest of the day was alright

Hey guys I hope u liked this chapter let me know if I should change anything or what do you guys wanna see :)

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