4th of july

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Takes back to when Dakota and max were together

Date the 4th of July
Took place in the summer at the fair

max and Dakota are all at the fair hanging out

Dakota:It's so pretty here
Max:yea it is
Dakota:*looks at max *
Max:*looks at Dakota*

They both smile*

Later they played games and ate a bunch of sweet fair food

Max:so you excited for the fire works tonight
Max: I brought a hoodie for u just in case it gets cold
Dakota:Aw max you know you don't have to do that
Max:*smiles* I know but it was the kindest thing I could do

Phoenix was there but she had to hang with her sister so it was me and him

Later Kyle and Dakota come over to her house because they were having a barbecue

Dakotas dad: yea we're cooking Pattie's and later we're gonna do some fireworks I bought
Max:*mouth is full* awesome

*later they both finish there burgers and Dakotas dad does the fire works *

*after that gets done they go to the school to watch the fire works *
They both get there and max friends wave at him and Phoenix comes up and hugs me

Dakota:hey *smiles* what are u up to
Pheonix: oh ya know just watching the fireworks

they were sitting on the blanket Kyle brought and they were all sitting on it

Pheonix goes in for a hug

Max:*laughs* yea I'm super excited
Pheonix:oh hey before it starts I'm gonna get some fries and snow cones anyone want anything
Dakota:yea I'll get a red snow cone and a pretzel
Pheonix:okay I have that down

Before she was gonna go kyle asks for something too

Max:uh yea can I get a red snow cone

Phoenix:ugggh okkkay

It was just max and Dakota
Max:you know iv had so much fun today
Dakota:me too *smiles*

* Pheonix comes back with the food before it starts *
Phoenix:okay I'm here here's ur snacks
*hands them to them*
Dakota:yea thanks
Pheonix:no problem

*the fireworks start*

*pop* *kapow* *boom boom*

Max was drinking his snow cone and so was the rest of them wile Phoenix was chowing down on the fries


Dakota:omg max look at ur tounge tehe
Max:what do you mean?
Dakota:ur tongue is blue *laughs*
Max:*laughs* yea it is look at urs
Dakota:*sticks out tongue*
Max:*laughs* see
Dakota:*laughs* tehe yea

*during the fire works we're going off max put his head on Dakota and she took a picture of them with Phoenix*

Pheonix:*looks over* Aw u too are so cuteee
They both were holding hands
Max:*looks into Dakotas beautiful eyes*
Dakota does the same
*they both go in for a kiss*

Boom* kapow* pow pow* kabow*

Pheonix looks over and sees them

Pheonix:now this is a one time opportunity she takes a picture of them and saves it and posts her on her story and mentions them in it

Boom* *kapow* *bow bow*

They both get done and they look at Phoenix both blushing crazier than ever

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