Now what?

17 1 0

This takes place the next day *

* Dakota is at her locker putting her stuff in her locker before her first class*

Dakota:ugh why can't this stuff fit *shuvs everything in there* phew I should probably get to class

*she then gets to class and takes a seat*

Dakota's pov

Jeez after everything that happend yesterday and now what I really did confess my feelings to max right yea uggghhhh what dooo I Soo????

Max:*in his head* oh wow there's Dakota oh damn about last night * out of head*

*after class*

*everyone leaves except max, Dakota, and Phoenix,

*max bumps into Dakota *

Max: uhhh s-sorry
Dakota:*looks up* oh it's uhm alright
Max:y-yea hey about last night?
Dakota:*gets nervous * uh- *rushes stuff and leaves room without answering his question*
Max:well- shit

*he leaves to go to his locker and talks to Pheonix wile doing that*

Phoenix:yea I'm sorry about yesterday
Max:oh it's fine I finally got to talk to Dakota
Max:yup and I know her feelings
Phoenix:oh- yea her feelings


*Dakota goes to the bathroom and unexpectedly sees Alena and another  girl*

Dakota's pov before she was walking to the bathroom*

Ugh man I just wanna go into a stall and have a break down I don't think I could do today max is already questioning what we are and Alena hasn't spoken to me I guess we broke up I mean it hurts but the stress that it's causing and not to mention with max too

As I'm walking to the bathroom I open the door to my surprise Alena and another girl

Out of pov


Alena:*looks over after just having a massive make out sesh with jazz * uh-

Jazz: uh u- I mean I- got to get to class uhm? See u later babe *walks in front of Dakota and leaves*


Dakota:*tears are forming in eyes*

Alena:u..uh d..Dakota the "break" ..
Alena:yeah *rubs neck* the break is going good and I'm glad we had it and it's good
Dakota:..the break for me *tear escapes eye* it's not alright
Alena: *walks toward Dakota * * puts hand's on Dakota's shoulders* it's for the best okay?
Dakota:y-yea t-totally
*Alena then takes her hands off her shoulders slowly feeling her warm shoulders *
Alena:alright we'll I'm gonna uhm go *leaves bathroom *

*and then there Dakota crashes to the door having a break down*

Dakotas pov


She's with someone
Wow this is all new I guess the tables turned it's alright but for some reason I'm crying harder it's all because of this week this week was shit and even more shit
But..why does she have to do this
*out of pov

*max hears loud crying coming from a stall and runs in*

Max:u-uh hello *looks down* oh no.. *sees Dakota with tears and makeup ruined *

Max:*bents down* u okay..

Dakota:*looks up* *shocked* u—-uh max wha- what are you doing in here?

Max:I here'd someone crying and it sounded like you and come to my surprise it' *takes glasses off her and wipes them* are you okay?

Dakota:*trying to spit out something but is still in tears* y-yea
Max:I don't believe that what happened did something happen with u and Phoenix

* Dakota shakes head*

Max:okay is it something with u and..Alena

Dakota:*trips on her words* y..yes * falls into his chest as tears are pouring out of her*

Max:d..Dakota * hugs her* did she hurt you..


-to be continued -

Hope u all enjoyed this chapter and lol yes I left it  on a cliff hanger anyyywho I'll be sure to make the chapter tonight thank u guys for blowing up this story it makes me so happy I love u all so much and comment and let me know how ur guys thoughts on this chapter was 💕💕💕byeee

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