A familler face

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I've realized that I have found my happy place I think my happy place is in Kyle's arms as I wake up next to him. "Good morning luv" he says in his sleepy morning voice. "Good morning" I smiled as we were at a motel and the sun was peaking thru the blinds. I felt happy I felt at ease did I know where we were? No did I care? Not at all did my parents ever care no. He then gets up and stretches "these days I've spent with you feels like a dream Dakota" he smiles. I smiled back at him. No one was really wondering where we were I loved this I think it was the right decision that we left our home town and started something new that we can go to if we get tired of our old life. Kyle was gonna hop in the shower and I decided to open the blinds and go down stairs to grab some breakfast. I grab the card key for the room and head out I was in my slippers and used the elevator to get to the main area.

I get there and go to breakfast as I was getting some coffee for me and Kyle I unexpectedly bumped into someone. It was Kyle's ex Sammantha. "Uhm hi" she had light blond hair where half of her hair was shaved and the other half was still there. She was wearing a hoodie with jeans and boots. I was just trying to casually get my breakfast for me and Kyle. As I was getting that I seen Kyle come down here. "Hey Dakota I'm ou-" he cuts as he sees Samantha his ex in front of him. She was acting all innocent "o-oh my k-Kyle hey" why was she acting all fine "h-hey Samantha" I looked at Kyle was a concerned look. "Uhm by the way Kyle I mean meaning to return this. She takes off the hoodie and hands it to him. "Uh-uhm thanks Samantha?" She was fixing her hair and nervously said "y-yea no problem I was thinking since I was staying here for a couple of days I decided to give it back to you". The look on his face the look on my face she then placed it in his hands as they both locked eyes.

Kyle's pov

Why was Samantha here that's weird and the hoodie she gave me was the time we went to the dock and it was getting cold and I lended her the hoodie. Why was it feel like I was gonna cry I was just really shocked it's really her. "Thanks uhm Samantha." The smell gives me back those memories. Ugh why did it feel like this why did I have to relive this again. She shyly walked away as Dakota handed me my coffee "here you look like you need it." She says it was true I did need it.

"That was so weird wasn't it Kyle?" I asked him "yea but I guess she gave my hoodie back. Uhm anyways wanna eat our breakfast then head to the pool?". "Sure" we both ate our breakfast and headed up to our room and both got dressed. "We might need to get bathing suites" as I was looking in my bag and didn't see any. Kyle looks nervous as he was sitting on the bed. I come over to him and sat next to him. "You okay Kyle?" He washed away his look "yeah I'm okay" I place my hand on his. "Hey ignore her okay at least we don't have room next to each other's. Plus this is our little oases" I lay a kiss on his cheek as I got up. He pulled my arm back and kissed me back "I love you Dakota" I breathed happily "I love you too" as we both got ready and walked out we headed down to the mini store to pick up some bathing suits and shorts.

We get out as we see Samantha once again it looked like she was with someone but I could be wrong. "Oh hey guys!" She seems cheery ugh Kyle went to the changing room as I was the only one there. "So where's Kyle?" "He went to change" as I was getting my suit and heading to the changing room. "Oh okay" she heads out as I took my stuff off and put my suit on. I'm not so sure about these type of bathing suits but it did look cute but top and bottom. Makes me kinda insecure plus the way I looked.Kyle gets out before me as he was talking to a girl. "Hey Kyle in out" he looked at me and started blushing so hard. "Oh- wow Dakota you look hot as hell" Uhm wow anyways I get in the pool. "Whew it's a little bit cold" Kyle jumps in splashing me "KYLE YOU GOT ME WET" as he was laughing so much from what I said "hahah you gotta admit tho Dakota it was funny" I looked at him bud couldn't stay mad at his dumb face. I swam over and kissed him on the lips "it is true I did look funny" he smiled. Samantha came to sit on one of the pool chairs. I was swimming for a little bit and was on my phone Kyle was chilling in the pool with Samantha. I made sure to look like they were getting along and it looked like they were.

Samantha's pov

I see Kyle as he swam over to me he looks so good in those shorts as I was in my bikini. "Hey Kyle" "hey Sam" we both looked at each other "so how are you doing". "I'm doing good just with my girlfriend Dakota" seriously did I seriously hear him say that HE HAS A GIRLFRIEND "can't believe that it's been that long since we dated" he was trying to ignore that question "heh yeah anyways what have you've been doing and what are you doing here." "Oh nothing much I'm on break actually and I actually live here". "Wait you live here?" "No I mean I live in this state. Remember I moved". "Oh!" "Yeah so I decided to treat myself a little vacay and I was unexpectedly wearing my hoodie this is my second day here. And I seen Dakota getting breakfast then I seen you" yeah the hoodie holds sentimental emotions to it. "Oh that's cool how's uhm school going for you." "It's going good kinda different since you know". The weather was nice I placed my hand on Kyle's hand. "Uh- so Samantha I'm gonna go"

I get ready to get out of the pool as I looked at Kyle and came over to him "hey Kyle I'm getting out I'm gonna check out a store here". I noticed him and her were holding hands I just ignored it but gave Kyle the look. He let go of Samantha's hand and said "yeah I have to go chat later?" And she nodded as we both got changed we meet each other once again. "So you and Kyle?" "Yeah what about us" she was putting her clothes on and smiling. "Oh you know I'd keep an eye on him and it would be crazy if he wasn't in ur hands anymore. She was smiling I tried to keep a cool but silently said wile leaving the room "yea and you should keep ur bitchy eyes on ur fake man"

I see Kyle and jump into a hug "hey Kyle" I was smiling.he was smiling "hey Dakota" "you wanna go to some of the shops" he nodded as we headed up and brought out wet suites in the room. We then headed as we got in Kyle's car and drove off as I was on my phone. "I don't know why but Samantha was acting weird" he agreed too "yeah she was acting possessive toward me". Me and Kyle both was smoking as we stopped at a Wendy's. "So what are you getting?" "I'm probably getting a mix of theirs nuggets and fries" he was getting something too. I was thinking what was Phoenix doing but the thought didn't come to me. Kyle got his food and I got mine we were both eating our food  as we headed to one of the malls "so what are  you planning on getting at the mall" I'm probably getting or looking for some new perfume". "Kyle?" I asked "yeah what's up Dakota" I was worried I was gonna loose him "please done leave me for her" he hugged me and reassured me "hunny I'm not gonna leave you for her I love you too much" I was tearing up a little bit "okay I just have a bad feeling about her like she's gonna steal you away from me" he kissed me on the head and told me not to worry about it. As we headed in the mall holding hands

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