Video games

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*this chapter takes place couple years back when max and Dakota were really good friends and Alena wasn't in the school yet*

*setting takes place at lockers *

Max:*is putting stuff in his locker*
Dakota:*is on her phone wile her locker door is open*
Phoenix:*is at her locker too with Dakota*
Phoenix:sooo Dakota got any plains this week?
Dakota:meh not really I'm supposed to hang out with max at the park
Phoenix:oooooh that sounds like a date?
Dakota:I'm sure it's not just a friendly hang out at the park

*wile talking about him he walks towards Dakota and Phoenix and stops*

Max:soooooo Dakota excited about this weekend
Dakota:*shrugs* yea sure
Max:Aw come on it's gonna be fun *he playfully punches her*
Phoenix:I have to go to the bathroom I'll be back
Dakota:oh alright
Max:also i got this new game well I have it at my house wanna play it after school
Dakota:OMG! The new call of duty game
Max:yup so after school do u wanna
Dakota:heck yea I've been wanting to play it for so longggg *she laughs*
Max:*laughs* alright

*after school*
*max and Dakota are at his house *
Dakota:sooo what we gonna do at ur house
Max:get snacks and go to my room and play the game
Dakota:okay sounds good I texted my dad letting him know I'm at my friends house

*they walk in and get snacks* *and soda of course*
Maddy:*she walks in the kitchen* max why is there no more sodas left
Max:Uh because me and Dakota need them
Maddy:but why
Max:that's none of ur business *he picks up the 2 liter of soda* alright ready Dakota?
Dakota: wait I think I have a water in my bed *she sets down the snacks and looks in her bag* ah there we go *she picks up the freshly cold water and hands it to maxes little sister*
Maddy:omg! Thank u so much *she hugs Dakota*
Dakota:Aw ur welcome
Maddy:hey I know ur hanging out with max but wanna maybe hang out later
Dakota:uh sure but not right now
Maddy:yay okay *she heads to the living room*
Max:anyways u ready
Dakota:yup! *she picks up the snacks*

*they both head up to maxes room*

Dakota:wow ur room is so nice
Max:*laughs* thanks
Dakota:no problem
*max then sets down the snacks and puts the new video game in the console*
Dakota:*smiles* dude I'm so excited to actually play this
*the game starts and they both play it*
Max:oh no let me help you *he heals her in the game*
*couples house later they both fall-sleep*

*it turns to nighttime*
*max is sleeping and laying on Dakota*

Dakota*blushes* *she says in her head* well I guess I can't do anything and it's exactly 12:am! Uh *she then realizes it's Saturday and they have no school* *phew* my dad didn't text me I guess I'll sleep here/stay here *  realizes she also texted him she's staying at her friends also*
Oh well that's good *she the yawns* 
I guess I'll get comfy
*she then falls asleep*

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