The smell of u still flows in my room

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*another flash back chapter yes*
This one is when Dakota and max break up*

*after the break up*

*takes place the night before the break up and at maxes house *

Max: god Dakota u look so good and not to mention the smell of ur perfume god u make me so happy
Dakota:thanks..max *sits next to him*
Dakota:*takes other console that max was holding for her*
Max:well u ready *smiles*
Dakota:hell yea

*they play video games until maxes phone goes off*
*before that*

*Max and Dakota are laughing so much*

Max:okay okay u did win *smiles*
Dakota:*laughs* yes fare in square

*maxes phone goes off*
Max: uhhh *picks it up* hello?
Ally:babbbby come hang out with me?
*Dakota looks confused*
Dakota: uhhh max? Who is that?
Max:uhh- n-no one
Ally:oooooh she doesn't know who I am hunnny u never told her about me
Max:*face goes a lil dark* can we-t- talk later ally
Ally:hmmm alright but ur calling me tonight
Max:what ever..*hangs up*
Dakota:*chest hurts* m..max who was that girl u were on the phone one.. okay let's just play video games she ur..girl..friend
Max:*doesn't deny it doesn't even say anything*
Dakota:*eyes fill up with tear* *face darkens* she is
Max:n—no Dakota wait
Dakota:*gets up* max I understand *chest hurts* *starts to cry*
Max:.. u.. should probably go..
Dakota:..*doesn't say anything tears form even more and goes down her face*
Max:*face goes dark* all of this was f-fake
Max:*is silent*
Dakota: * throws his hoodie at him* so.. this "love" WASN'T GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU?

*later after a bunch of yelling and door slamming*

*max is crying wile he's in bed*
Max:..shit *smells blanket* why does this smell like her..
*he starts crying and hugs his blanket imagining that's Dakota that he's hugging*
Max:..d..Dakota I'm sorry *sniffles* so so sorry..

*he then falls asleep crying*

Meanwhile about Dakota *

Dakota:*in the rain and crying*
Dakota:.. h..he's gone ..he's not mine.. *falls to the floor hitting the hard wet ground as it's raining so hard*
Dakota:*screams* *cry voice* WHYYYYYY! HOW FUCKING COULD YOU MAX *crying loudly* *rain splatters in the cement*
*lays there crying*

*during that week it wasn't the best for Dakota she was heart broken she couldn't bring her self up she would make up lies and not go to school and tell her best friend that she was sick but of course she wasn't as for max he was more quiet than usual I mean u could try talking to him butttt that wouldn't even work he would always come to school wearing hoodies and head phones in his ears ignoring everyone he was now known as the quiet depressed kid but he talked to Phoenix more*

*following day*

* Dakota is still in bed not wanting to get up for school this was the second week she's been home since the break up*

*Dakotas mom comes up to her room and knocks on the door asking if she's coming to school today*

Dakota's mom:*knocks on Dakota's door* sweetie! Are u going to school today *In worried  tone*
Dakota:*half wakes up* n-no
Dakota's mom: well alright sweetie I'm heading off to work call me if u need anything
Dakota:mumbles something and says okay
*her mom says she loves her then leaves the house locking the door*

Dakota:*is still in bed* uggggghhh whyyyy-max you TRAITOR *turns on speaker and plays u betrayed me by Olivia Rodrigo*

*Shes then syncing the lyrics and telling them *


Dakotas pov:
It's been 2 weeks since I've been to school but I don't care I don't care about anything really nothing is important I don't even care if I just pass out due to not eating enough kinda surprised my mom didn't yell at me because I skipped again I'm glad she cares but I don't get it why did max hurt me did he really care about me I guess he didn't that was even stupid to ask he doesn't care about u Dakota he just "used" you and "manipulated" you my eyes start to sting with tears I've been wearing the same shirt for about a week now and haven't showered this is alright
Out of pov*

But ur still a traitor
*she sinks back into her bed crying*

Mean wile at school

Max: *sees Dakota not here today* man this is the second week she's skipped and it's all my fault *hits self* I'm such an idiot
*he then sees his "new girlfriend "
Max:ugh this wasn't what I really wanted
*he leaves for his  class leaving his locker half open*
Phoenix: *sees max* uh max u look different today
Max:*sits next to Phoenix * that's because I'm trying something different
Phoenix:oh? Well Dakota texted me and told me she isn't going to school today
Max:*sighs* yea and I know why
Phoenix:I know too it's because of her sickness
Max:*was gonna say something else but agreed with that* yea it's a sickness

*during the day it goes weird as Dakota stayed in her bed listening to the same song on repeat and repeating the day that her and max broke up in her head leaving her stinging eyes to a water fall of tears as she's laying in bed *


Hope U enjoyed this let me know if u liked it or not so yeh I promise I'll work on my iz one so ye 💕

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