Long day

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Me and Kyle walk into the malls as the air filled the mall. There was Spencer's, hot topic, ulta, Burlington, and much more "Kyle I'm in love" as I was giggling "yes yes I know there's so many stores here" we decided to check out a cool clothing shop the store was called Hollister. I found this cool striped shirt "Kyle! Look!" He looked "wow that looks awesome" i put it in the little bins they give us that are like carts but way cooler. Kyle found a hoodie that said the store name and thought it was awesome so he got one.
We bought a couple of shirts and pants I found ripped jeans and Kyle found cool baggy jeans. We payed for it then headed to another store. We went to hot topic to pick out so cool grungy shirts and clothing. Later it was getting a little late as me and Kyle's hands were full of bags we decided to stop at a little tent that was selling hotdogs so we brought some as I got a Pepsi and we headed out. "Man that was so much fun Kyle" he smiled "yes it was I found some good things and new shirts" we put them in Kyle's trunk and headed in the car.

I can feel my hands and arms were strung wile that was going on Kyle's phone was blowing up "who could that be?" As it said unknown he picked it up. It sounded familiar-come to my room around 10~hottie- as they hung up. "Who was it?" As I was wondering wile taking a sip of my drink. "It was no one hun" I blushed a little he has never called me that I checked my phone seeing my social media blow up. I didn't care so I took a nap wile Kyle was driving to the hotel.
We finally get to the hotel as Kyle was waking me up "hey were here" "oh okay" we both get out as we got our bags and we head into the hotel. As we made it to the hotel I flopped on the bed "man I'm so tired". He looks over at me and sat by me "so you don't wanna go down to the bar for some drinks" he winked I was thinking maybe I shouldn't but fuck it. "Sure let me just put my bags on the floor"

- before that -
Kyle's pov

I was meeting Samantha out by the bar for a drink workout Dakota finding out so we all decided to go out I called the "unknown number" and said -hey wanna go down to the bar for a drink or two- they texted back -maybe. Will the brunet bitch be there- he texted back -yeah why?-
-no reason then later I hope she goes back up to the room.then it will be just you and me- I went to velvet and talked to her-


We headed down I had on a tight black dress and with black boots as we headed down "wow Dakota you look good". "Thanks I decided to put something nice on" we made it to the bar and I sat on one of the stools there was kinda a lot of people there. I was a little nervous but Kyle held my hand and we sat on the stools "yea I'll take a martini. What's do you want Dakota?" I was thinking "I'll have a margarita". "Okay and will that be all" the bar tender asked "heh for now". I was talking to this pretty girl her name goes by Eve she had dark black hair and she was wearing this sparkly red dress. "So you enjoying urself" I was smiling "yeah" wile sipping my drink. A lot of guys were eyeing me and Kyle wile Samantha came here and sat in between me and Kyle "oh hey!" She says in a snotty tone. She was wearing a half dress that showed her cleavage ALMOST "oh hey Samantha" as he said in a flirty way. What was Kyle DOING a lot of guys were talking about me. "Wow rider look fresh fruit" as he was pointing toward me "Uhm oh Woah she is a hottie" he was practically drooling over me. "So Kyle you looking extra good looking today" she smiled "Uhm Kyle?" Kyle was drinking another martini it was like he was ignoring me?
"Uhm Kyle there's guys stAring at me"

"Damn she is such a hottie and she has curves too!" Thomas hit him in the arm "Dude no she's not urs she's my meat" he pushed me back "nah dude I'm so tapping that". Eve was talking to me "wow velvet you sure do have a crowd" I was sweating but drinking my martini "i- uh- n-no I don't think so" she places her arm on me. Omg, omg, what do I do she's so pretty "darling you need to relax.". I looked over at Kyle and he wasn't even there what the fuck. Where in the hell is that pipsqueak.


"Hey Sam~ you wann maybe uhhh~m h-go to ur ro-om" he was clearly drunk. Dakota was trying to talk to him but he wasn't listening he had quite a few "drinks". I got tired of him and was talking to Eve since she's like THE ONLY person that acknowledges me. Samantha was drinking her tequila "yea thanks I'll have another. And sure Kyle~" his face was a little messed up. She got her drink and she chugged it "you know~ yoou annnd me should tottttallly sleep- to-together" they both drunking'ly nodded as they trailed upstairs. I was looking at one of the guys and winked at them one of them fell over there stools. I smirked and said lowly "what a couple of dumbasses" as Eve laughed "my my Dakota you have such sass.it's actually kinda hot" my face was flushing with red did I have too many margaritas or martinis.

I still looked over and realized that those 2 were gone "you've gotta be kidding me FUCC!". Eve looked at me "why darling are you alright" I tried calming down "y-yea wanna get drunk?" She nodded at me. As she chugged her tequila "fuck yeah!" I just wanted to get stupid wasted and end up in someone's bed fuck it!

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