Why are they not here

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This is a same day but as Pheonixes pov.

I go to school hoping to see Kyle and Dakota but for some reason they didn't show up I was waiting for them jazzy was sleeping during math and I was texting her and blowing up her phone it was so weird after that my next class and still thinking they were gonna be here they didn't I was thinking that they might've skipped but why?. I stare in my book as Cole was messing up me "heh what's up with the long face shortcake" cole replied I put my book down and just sighed "I think Kyle and Dakota skipped -once again" he noticed too. "Yea they have been skipping I wonder where are they"

It was almost the end of the class and I came up with the conclusion that there not gonna show up. And I'm stuck here with all these people I go to my locker wile Samantha came up to me and was talking to me I got bored of her so I left her "HEY COME BACK HERE. I WASN'T DONE!" I didn't t care and walked off I was already over with this day.

Cole saw me stressed out as he came out by a corner and pulled me in a room. "COLE WHA-" he shut my mouth with his and calmed me down as he was rubbing my back. It felt so nice I'm not going to lie did I not want this to stop no I didn't and so I let him do it. He took his lips off mine and breathed and said to me "I'll make you feel better.I love you phoebe" -" y-you d-do" I was stuttering like crazy and he pinned me to the wall and started putting his hands on my body and starts making out with me. I'm pretty sure we missed 3rd period but did we care nah. We then finish as he pulls his hand out- "so princess you wanna ditch this place and go" I mean I did really have a reputation but my mom wouldn't know and really why should I care. I nodded as he pulled my hand and started running out of the halls and leaving the school. The air smelt so nice as my black hair was blowing in the air he looked at me. Lifted my chin up and kissed me on the lips my face was as red as a tomato. We started running and running so far did me and Cole run away maybe we did maybe we didn't but it felt so wild and free. As I was running "haha Cole! I've never felt so alive" as my hair was bouncing wile running. "Haha me too princess" as he smiled we then stop at the beautiful lake as he learned off a spot on a log and I sat down as he sat next to me. "This is so nice" I said we watched the fishes jump out of the lake then back in. "So is this better then sitting in a crummy school learning nonsense shit" he looks over at me "yea this is better" we both hit his flavored blueberry vape. "You still wonder where Kyle and Dakota went?". "Yea I do they probably left the city and started a world of their own" "that doesn't sound too bad" he said to me "what do you mean" as I was staring down at the grass "well you know- like run away together starts over" that does sound good but I can't I have a life here "well that does sound nice but my mom would be so pissed if I left" he places his hand on my leg "yea but it would be something knew and plus we are in high school couple years we're gonna graduate"

"Yea but I don't know not right now" I smiled but he frowned I asked him "hey you okay?" I know that was stupid "yeah I'm just disappointed-you know". Why would he be disappointed? Is it me? Was it something I said? "What do you mean Cole" as I was looking at my phone he threw himself on me and made me drop my phone as I fell into the log and he was on top of me placing his arms around me and his lips on mine.he was crying a little bit too I wonders if he was really okay or was not. He stopped for a second and said "well maybe it's because that ur not ready and I need to except ur decision" he sat up I laid my head on him "oh Cole that's not what I mean. It's just if we do start over then my mom would get mad and ur mom would get mad too" he smiled "yeah ur right" as we fell asleep by the lake

It was nighttime and I realized I was sleeping in Coles bed WITH COLE I was nervous but I just fell asleep snuggling up to Cole as he put his arms around me.

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