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❝Go on and light me like a
Even if it might be something you regret.❞



I ONCE BELIEVED THAT WHAT COULD BE POSSIBLY BETTER THAN CHANNEL, if they aren't they the finest scents? But that was until, Dior the end of my beginning. As we evolve into a different person our tastes change, our personality changes, but something that doesn't change is the complexity of our brains, it remains the same bickering within itself, compelling us to make the wrong choices again and, again and making us do stupid mistakes. Terrible mistakes.

Sighing—I turned around, throwing my phone back on the washbasin counter as I turned to greet the man standing behind me. His eyes, never once leaving my face as, Park Jimin makes his way; sauntering towards me, as then I felt the magnetic pull of his domineering presence, drowning me towards him, my breath hitched as I breathed in his cologne, along with the strong smell of cigarettes clinging to him. My eyes dropped, at his hand as he, holds a lock of my hair between his fingers tangling it around his slander fingers, ever so serenely; whilst I struggle trying to remember how to breathe normally and, appear calm but that, wasn't  so hard, especially when my brain decides, finally that it was time to start functioning for good, and remind me of the time, he fucked up, and ruined everything. Us. 

     “Rose, you're as ravishing as ever,”Sweet Jesus, it was hard already being this close to him and now having him say my name just makes this all more, insufferable,“Just don't look at me say something. Something. Just anything,”Jimin murmurs his voice sounding breathless at end, as I stare blankly into his dark eyes trying to pull myself back.

God——why do I love putting myself through this misery? I should've never come to the restroom, I knew that he was going to follow. Or maybe it was more like I wanted him to follow, knowing perfectly well, that he wouldn't waste such a chance.

As minutes of tranquility slithers between us, forging uncanny,  thoughts through our heads, I notice his muscles tensing, his body language changing as he shifts his weight on to his other leg, withdrawing his fingers from my hair,  as I watch him struggle to gather words, fumbling untill a second later he's breathing right into my face as his hands travel down my waist making me quiver, with a frightening delight, also a little fear as, I frowned, baffled to see his hardened face when he glares angrily, into my eyes making my heart beat violently against my chest, traitor.

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