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❝You are a doll, and you're flawless

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❝You are a doll, and you're flawless.
And I can't wait for love to
destroy us. ❞



IT'S TRAGIC getting to look at the faces of the people who hate you, because; sitting back at the table the only thing that kept running through my head was. What am I supposed to do here? These people, they clearly didn't want me here. I don't know why would Jimin want me to be here, among these people. They've their castles, their mansions, their lands, and their glories.

And I? I belonged to a family that might be well-known; but I was far from anything they were, I am just an arrogant girl, who got so caught up in the affairs of a man, who just keeps making me make the wrong choices.

Being with Jimin, makes me feel a sense of bravado, I feel like if I don't sway in the wildernesses of his demeanor, his mysteries and, his escapade; I would go astray.

             “Park Jimin, must I praise Miss Rose, here for her capability to understand a situation. She's quick and she knows what she must do,” Mrs Wong have spoken, causing everyone to lift their heads, their faces puzzled as I carefully place my glass on the table.

“What are you saying, darling?” Mr Wong asked his wife, frowning as I gulped when his wife turned and stared at me.

“I am speaking nothing, but the truth. Miss Rose, and I  have reached an agreement, and I must say I am quite pleased.”

As she spoke, I glanced upwards feeling aware all of a sudden, to find so many eyes staring at me. The look across their faces, resembled of those of hawks as, I swallowed refusing to lower my gaze and turned to stare at the man sitting at the head of the table. A ripple of nervousness went through me, leaving a familiar heat in it's wake, as I started into the pair of scorching eyes of the man who held my gaze captive. When minutes passed, and either of us refused to look away, I started to feel heated and uneasy to be under such a scrutiny. It made me feel things, I did not want to feel, his smoldering eyes that seemed darken every second as I blinked, how hard it became for me to look anywhere but not at the man, who was already filling my senses, with all the thoughts of him that I knew would harm me someday. So, I braced myself and sighed averting my gaze.

My heart threaded  with trepidation, as I watched cautiously how he observed the happenings around the table. His attention every so often would weaver and he would again stare at me. Just stare as if he was already, beginning to understand what I have done.

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