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❝Once I had you,I had everything

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❝Once I had you,
I had everything.❞



WHEN THE GOLDEN hues of a new morning illuminated across the ivory wallpaper, and bathed the room with faint salubrious sunbeams  I huffed out  a breath and stared ahead of the window. It was a splendid morning, as long as you can ignore the fact that; I was supposedly locked in a room, forced to spend the entire night in this ghastly looking room. Although, I admit I was a bit forward and blasé about this whole situation, but I wasn't wrong either, he might have locked me in here to reflect upon my mistake; what good would it do to either of us, however.

All I can hope now is that Jimin’s anger by the morning has calmed down to some level. If not then perhaps, I should take precautions with my next move, that I believe would also cause another uproariously, odd circumstance.

Oh, Lord I think I can't help but cause him further trouble and distress. I was always the unrestrained one, out of us siblings, Gabriel always said that if I was a boy I would've been less rowdy but, since I was a girl discipline and obedience, were never my characteristics. I was an ill-disciplined and singular person, even as child. I never cared to follow any rules, what rules were, I believe to never follow them, I made my own rules, which is why, up until now no other person has ever managed to restrain me.

Undoubtedly, that was beginning to change, since this man has managed to lock me in a room, and spend an entire night in here, and why I stayed? I don't desire to know, surely I needed to get my motto fixed and think with a clear head next time.

Jimin—as the days progress I keep describing him in a different manner, every time I think of this remarkably tolerable man, I don't know what makes him so special, but I do know he is different from other men.

A soft knock against the door, made me snap out of my reverie as I swallowed standing up to walk across the room, and stand near the door. My heart raced rapidly, as I once again thought of the plan I have properly figured out through the long hours of solitude I was forced to oblige with.

                “Madam?” A gentle female voice, spoke from the other side of the door, as I clasped my hands together and started to cough uncontrollably.

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