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❝The world’s delight is a
brief dream.❞



THE INSTANT I FIGURED out what just happened, I screamed, boring my feet hard on the ground I gripped my dress tightly, as my blood rushed hot and warm, the cold hands holding me back felt like a cage. My heart raced loudly in my chest like a drum. I gulped hardly, trying to calm myself down trying to ease my panic. A brief moment, later when I flickered back my eyes open, I found myself once again staring back into those lifeless eyes, the same eyes that were once portraying Sung Hyuk’s sordid desire to take my life and, now they were just cold white pupils. Gone was the life in them, gone was the man who threatened to kill me.

“Park Jimin?” my gruff and frightened voice did not surprise me, nor did the way he walked over the corpse surprised me; what surprises me is the vicious look across his pale face,  akin to menace as he ambles towards me, after putting back his dagger into the pocket of his coat. My heart pounded, and my eyes burned when he stands just a step away from me. His eyes morphing into something less threatening, while still not letting go of the darkness in them, a second went by before he acknowledges Jin standing as he sends him a silent message through his authorized gaze, and I shivered unable to look anywhere but at him.

My eyes wavered upon the corpse once again, and I felt the familiar fear swallowing me before I was stopped, with his hands covering my eyes as he in an instant bridges the distance between us, and cages me into his seemingly warm embrace, threatening to combust my wild heart that was already battling against; the law of speed per second.

        “It’s alright, love I'm here,” Jimin  spoke, as I looked at him with tears filling my already swollen eyes. This was the second time he ever saw me cry and I hated it. Fuck. The fact, that I was so scared and frightened, by the mere sight of him taking a life in front of my eyes baffles me yet; the idea of him taking more than just one life, was horrifying like this was a part of him, a part I didn't see until today.

                “I can not—I can't” I mutter, pushing myself recklessly away from his arms, as he groans visibly alarmed pulling me back into his embrace as my breath quickens when he sharply grips my face, stabbing his thumb underneath my eye, as I gasped painfully wringing in his arms, struggling to set free,“You—killed him. You killed him in front of my eyes.”

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