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❝Pretends he doesn't knowthat he's the reason why you're drowning

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❝Pretends he doesn't know
that he's the reason why you're drowning. ❞


C H A P T E R     F O R T Y

ALL GOOD COMES WITH A PRICE, SIMILARLY, no good in this world could save a soul that was already sold. Mine was the moment I decided that to give up all my dreams and, my fake perceptions. Who am I but just a pretty face with a wretched mind and a black heart. Therefore, it's hard to believe that even Gabriel, my brother whom I believed to be everything, to be pure, to be real was just as evil as, I am.

I still can't believe it. He's not like that. Park Jimin was a liar, everyone knows that, that's what he is. Maybe this was another one of his twisted games, he wants me to turn against my brother. He's playing me.

Letting out a loud groan. I leaned against the table, as Martha once more adjusted my hair. My eyes staring relentlessly at the bare walls of the hallway as Yura continued to chatter beside Gabriel, her laugh merry and joyful. It seemed whatever happened two days ago never even happened. She was all done now.

Which was hard, too hard to not notice and, so was her growing comfort with Gabriel. It baffles me how could he be the one to set her up? It is something that is impossible. I would know my brother, he would never do this to hurt Yura.

      “Ms Rose I think that's enough coffee for today ——” Martha murmured, softly taking the cup away from me as I loudly stood up, abruptly my hands trembling with dread and just when things couldn't get worse I knock over the cup, causing all the coffee to spill over me.

Martha's gasp was loud like a foghorn, pulling me temporarily out of my degenerated thoughts.

     For a moment everyone paused, upon hearing the sudden scatter of fine China falling against the marble floor but then, as soon as it was noticed so was it forgotten. My brother didn't even bother to look up as I hurriedly slipped out, my breaths were coming out in gasps just when I was about to reach my room, I heard voices.

Two people talking, Risa and Father from across the hall. Darting a careful glance at the empty stairs, I sauntered towards my father's study. My feet, bare and cautious, as I leaned slightly closer to the door that just shut but not completely close. Through a gap, I could see them standing, not much far from each other, Risa was yelling, that's all l could hear at the moment.

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