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❝ I could smile and hide the truthbut I know I was happier with you

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❝ I could smile and hide the truth
but I know I was happier with you.❞


IT WAS AROUND 11AM I reached home, I would've found it more peaceful, if everyone were not at home. But of course, you can't have what you wish for. My smile vanished as I caught the sight of Martha standing outside the elevator, my eyes narrowed seeing the look upon her face.

"Ms Rose, where have you been, I thought you ran away from home. Again. Young Master Gabriel have been asking for you," Martha approached me as I eyed her questionably, surely if I tell her the truth it wouldn't end well for both of us so I swallowed and stepped forward, putting an arm around her.

"I was staying at a friend's house," pausing I glanced around to see if no one was listening as I pulled her at the side,"Did you, do what I asked for?"

"This is what I wanted to tell you about you weren't even picking up your phone," drawing a breath she pulled away from me and turned to face me her eyes running over my body before her eyes softened and in a relaxed manner,"Good, that you're dressed properly, your father and mother have hosted a brunch for Mr and Mrs Jeon," she mumured.

"What? Why are they here?" my voice panicked as I pushed my hair back trying to find a way to escape but Martha pulled out a loose strand of hair and tried setting my hair in more tidy way,"Martha, may be I should just go back."

Her eyes widened, and she gasped trying to keep her voice down. She kept looking at me waiting for me to say something but I didn't I just stared blankly at the wall then back at the elevator behind me before sighing frustratingly, I marched forward.

"Please. Behave, Ms Rose," I swear that was a warning but I couldn't care less as when I reached the dinning room my eyes caught the sight of Jungkook sitting at the table beside Gabriel, only my father and Mr Jeon were engaged in a conversation while the others kept themselves occupied with food.

"Rose, dear," Mr Jeon expressed encouragingly as I walked towards the table, everyone have left their forks and knives and turned to stare up at me. My father had a very sour expression as I noticed him clench
his jaw when just to annoy the hell out of him I kissed his cheek, a gesture any daughter would do but we were never that way.

"I hope. I didn't miss much," I murmured trying to sound polite, but Yura my lovely half-sister only rolled her eyes as I seated myself beside Jungkook.

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